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Wyberton Primary Academy

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Wyberton Primary Academy


At Wyberton Primary Academy, P.S.H.E is taught as a stand-alone subject, in addition to being threaded through our curriculum and school values. High quality provision means that the children learn vital knowledge and skills relating to living in the wider world, keeping healthy and wellbeing. Time is spent each day reflecting on some aspect of P.S.H.E whether it be through a lesson, an intervention, a story, an assembly, a circle time or through one of our Calmer Classroom activities.

PSHE Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact

PSHE / RSE Progression EYFS - Year 6

Personal development at Wyberton Primary Academy

Coram Life Education is a leading provider of relationships, health, wellbeing, and drugs education. They provide SCARF, teaching resources, which we use as a part of our Life Skills & Well-being curriculum.


SCARF (which stands for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship) provides a whole-school approach to help us teach children about these essential elements – all of which play a key role in preparing children to achieve their best, academically and socially.


SCARF is closely aligned with the DfE requirements for statutory Relationships and Health Education, and mapped to the PSHE Association programmes of study. Staff at Wyberton use SCARF as a framework to provide resources to support their teaching. SCARF is a whole-school approach to promoting behaviour, safety, achievement and wellbeing.

Please see below an overview of how SCARF could be taught across our school. 


At Wyberton Primary School we have a weekly ‘Picture News’ assembly. Picture News enables us to develop our social, moral, social and cultural elements of our learning. It teaches us about current affairs and allows us to see more clearly into the wider community and world around us. We can develop other elements too, including an understanding into different beliefs, feelings and faiths. The pictures and news articles we receive encourage discussions, challenges ideas and pre-conceptions we may have already developed and ultimately, broadens our horizons and enables us to prepare and develop knowledge of the ever changing, fast-paced world that we live in.
