Term 4- Which forces exist and what impact do they have within our solar system?
Welcome back to yet another term full of exciting learning and opportunities. You will see below a copy of our Enquiry mat for this term as well as our Newsletter which will provide you with an overview of our learning this term.
World Book Day
Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day, celebrating reading with family and our Year 1 peers. We enjoyed the opportunity to read our way - reading how we like, what we like and where we like.
PSHE - respect
This term we are learning how to be respectful and how to become a respectful role model. Today, we incorporated drama as we explored the positive impact that volunteers have on our local area.
Enquiry (Science)
Our enquiry this term has a Science driver and our question is 'Which forces exist and what impact do they have within our solar system?'. To help us to answer this question, we will be learning about the forces within space and on Earth.
Today we learnt that the planets orbit the Sun. we were shocked to find out that they all orbit the Sun at different speeds. We acted this out in groups to show how the orbiting of the Sun works and how the planets never collide.
We were excited to learn that we are going to be publishing our own non-chronological report about space rovers this term. Today, we identified the common features and grammar that are included within this type of report. It was interesting to see, as we analysed the texts, the differences and similarities between them.
This term, as well as our weekly swimming sessions, we are learning how to play netball. We will retrieve our previous learning from other year groups and develop these skills.
In our first lesson, we recapped how to chest pass in Netball and we developed our understanding of the importance of passing and moving and applied this to game situations.