Week commencing 4th January
Hello Honey Bees. I am very sad that I only got to see you for one day, but I hope we will be able to continue our exciting learning adventure through this style of learning.
Here are just some initial resources – videos and further resources will be uploaded ready for Wednesday.
This is a suggested timetable for Wednesday - Friday. Please use it as a guide for what works for you and your family, however please aim to complete Maths and English daily.
Morning lessons |
Afternoon lessons |
Wednesday |
Maths lesson |
Spelling games |
English lesson |
Reading for pleasure |
Topic learning |
Thursday |
Maths lesson |
Spelling games |
English lesson |
Reading comprehension |
P.E. |
Friday |
Maths lesson or Arithmetic |
Spelling test |
Reading for pleasure |
Big Write |
Creative topic learning |
Please do send me photos of your work via the Contact Mrs Hodgson section, so I am able to give you feedback.
All videos for this week can be found on the Video Resource Centre: https://wyberton-primary-academy.primarysite.media/playlist/year-5
Here you will find documents with your activities; please write the date and title in your Maths book and complete as you would in school. There is no need to print this document.
There is a video from me in the Video Resource Centre explaining each lesson or you may want to watch the videos below.
Answers will be uploaded towards the end of the week.
In English, we are exploring the classical poem ‘The Highwayman’ a link to an animated version of this poem can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryu1JZiSbHo&safe=active and a version of the poem within the documents below. A copy will also be included in your packs when you collect these from school.
There is a video in the Resource Centre to support with this learning and to give you further input.
Big Write
Please watch the video in the Resource Centre for your input and stimulus this week.
In class on Monday, we started to read 'The Case of the Silver Snake'. Open the document below to read it and then complete the questions on the following pages of the document. Write your answers under each title on paper of in your lined book.
I would love to know about what you are reading for pleasure!
This week we are exploring temporal adverbs (adverbs of time).
Activity 1 - complete your homework sheet sent home on Monday
Activity 2 - write a paragraph using as many temporal adverbs as you can (see picture below)
Activity 3 - Please log onto your Spelling Shed account to practice this weeks spellings.
Spelling test - please give a family member your homework spellings on Friday and ask for them to test you - let me know your score!
In PSHE this term, we will be learning about 'Digital Literacy'. This PowerPoint will provide you with the teaching for this lesson and also your first activity.
Please use the PowerPoint to begin to explore learning for our enquiry question. At the end of the PowerPoint, you will be shown which sheets from your pack to complete.
Below you will find a PE activity for this week. In addition to this, please see Joe Wicks daily workouts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
Creative learning: Music
We are going to continue our music lessons this term with the support of National Oak Academy. Here you will find this week's lesson which includes a video and activity: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-classify-instruments-6wtkat