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Wyberton Primary Academy

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Wyberton Primary Academy

Garden Bird Studies

Over this term we are getting the children prepared for our Big School's Birdwatch by learning all about one garden bird each week. 
Before Christmas we learned all about robins, last week we learned about magpies and this week we learned about wood pigeons. We explored the RSPB's website in order to do this - where videos of the birds can be found as well as lots of interesting facts. 
We spent time going for bird watching walks around the grounds - with mixed success (we saw lots of wood pigeons but no robins or magpies yet). 



The children helped themselves to remember what these birds looked like by producing an arts and craft bird after learning about them. The children chose independently how they wanted to create their bird - they just needed to ensure that they chose the correct colours and features. The children were all interested in learning about what the birds ate (something else we used the RSPB's website for) they then tried to include this as part of their artwork.
