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Wyberton Primary Academy



Watch this video on Monday where Miss Lineker introduces our Maths for this week

Below you will find your Maths lessons and which arithmetic you should complete this week.  This week we are going to recap and learn as many of our times tables and division facts as we can! It is so important to know our times tables off by heart as this unlocks many other areas of Maths including fractions and decimals which we shall be moving on to this term. 


Throughout the week, I have added an assignment to Maths Shed for you to practise your times tables. Try to spend between 10-15 minutes each day on this. I will be awarding honeypots to those of you who are working hard on this!


You will also find the answers below for you to check your progress when you have finished your lesson. Remember you can email me or speak to me via Video Bookings if you would like any help or fancy a times table quiz with me!


Monday's lesson supporting video click here

Tuesday's lesson supporting video click here

Wednesday's lesson a trick for learning the 9 times table click here

Thursday's lesson Supermovers fun with the 7 times table! click here

Here is this week's Arithmetic test. The layout of this test is slightly different to the Rising Stars tests from last term. You have 25 questions to answer now and you should give yourself 30 minutes to answer all of the questions.


You can then mark your tests using the answer sheet on the last page. No peeking before you have finished! Send me your scores and I can make further videos to help with any questions you found tricky.
