Ant and Dec have teamed up with NSPCC to create a special video for children. Please watch their virtual assembly by clicking on the link below:
It has some advice for children who may be worrying about Coronavirus and the impact on their family, as well as other important advice and words of encouragement.
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Welcome to Little Oaks Nursery.
This is a very exciting journey for you and your child as they grow and learn. To embrace the early learning of all children, activities are planned around their needs and interests. We believe in following their lead whilst moving their learning forward. The Nursery team working with your child is: Miss Allison Hardy, Miss Chelsea Gibbons and Miss Lucy Tebbs. Mrs Taylor who is the Reception teacher within the school is also the Foundation Stage Leader so is very much part of your child's journey within Nursery.
This term our focus is getting to know your child and each other. We have lots of exciting activities planned to get your child settled into their new environment and look forward to watching them grow.
Me, Myself and I

Our Family
That's my name!
Super Shapes


Tractor Visit

What can you hear?

Shape Hunt

The children was very excited when their parents came in today for our 'Outdoor Shape Hunt'. Everyone had their own shape checklist which they used to tick off the shapes they found in the outdoor environment. Once all the shapes had been found the children took part in a variety of shape activities with their parents.

We learnt how to answer the question "How do we care for a baby?" through our learning and play. The children have shown a great interest in babies so we enjoyed exploring this.
We will be looking at care and needs of a baby including the importance of a routine such as brushing our teeth, bath time and bedtime etc.
We enjoyed pretending to feed the babies milk and we also gave them a bubble bath!
Fire Engine

We had an exciting visit from a fire engine! We had so much fun having a go at spraying the large hose and aiming for the cone. We also got a tour around the outside of the truck talking about all of the equipment the truck carries and what it is used for. We also all got a chance to climb up into the truck and sit down, observing what we could see inside. We all had so much fun talking to the firefighters. The children also coloured in their own fire engine pictures when we went back into nursery. We also got to hear the fire engine siren, we covered our ears so it wasn't too loud.
Firework and Bonfire
Look at our bonfires we made! We cut the 'sticks' to the size of our choice then found the flames to add. During this activity we discussed how we need to be safe around fires and how we could do this.
We made our own campfire, we went out and collected sticks for our fire and piled them up into a heap. We then enjoyed a hot chocolate to keep us nice and warm. We then got to 'toast' marshmallows! Although it wasn't a real fire the children really got involved and used their imagination to support the idea of our 'bonfire'.
Remembrance Day

We learnt all about Remembrance Day and what it means. We have been creating poppies using different arts and crafts! We have been painting, sticking, colouring, drawing and using stickers. We also watched a CBeebies poppy video to help us to understand a little bit more. We had lots of fun making poppies in different ways throughout the day.
Your poppies are beautiful!
Fun At The Park
Children In Need

We explored a lorry from Gist that visited. We practiced crossing the ‘road’ safely. We stood back from the kerb, made sure our hands wasn’t in our pockets in case we was to fall over and then looked both ways before crossing. We then had chance to look around the outside of the lorry.
We noticed letters, numbers and shapes. We spoke about the lights and counted the wheels too!
We have been busy creating our name train we supported each other to find our name from a group then we needed to find our matching letters so we could stick these down and make the carriages to our train. We supported the children to recognise the letters in their name from a group them glue these in the correct order to create our name.
Animals - January 2020

Our next topic is all about animals! We have been exploring farm, jungle, insects, and Antartic animals. We went on a hunt around the school grounds and looked for pictures of animals that we could see hiding. The children enjoyed using their cut and stick skills to create different animal backgrounds. We also counted lots of different animals and circled the correct number that matched the amount of animals. We all enjoyed learning lots of new things about animals.
Maths and Phonics Challenge!
Each day we will be doing a five minute maths challenge and a five minute phonics challenge.
This week we have been focusing on number writing and letter formation. We have been doing lots of name practice and even learning new sounds. The children have enjoyed using the interactive whiteboard and using whiteboards and pens for these challenges. We also finish off with a five minute talk time question where the children get to voice their opinion and talk about their own experiences. Well done Nursery!

This week our topic is Shapes!
We have been getting to know each shape, talking about how many sides each shape has and how many corners. We have been recognising shapes in our environment and we went on a walk around the school grounds hunting for shapes too. The children are enjoying being creative with their shapes and creating an Elmer picture using squares and a shape house!

The children learnt all about space! They enjoyed creating planets out of paper mache and using lots of brightly coloured paints. They made their own space themed wreath and learnt the names of the planets. We also went out onto the playground to practice drawing planets using chalks. We learnt the job of an astronaut and created our own space passports so we could visit the moon!
Role-Play ASDA

We turned our role-play area into an ASDA shop! We was very lucky to have two staff members from ASDA come in to 'officially' open our shop. They came in and talked to us about the job role of a cashier and why their job is important. The children enjoyed a question and answer session, learning all about what happens at ASDA. They even bought in some cakes for us! We had lots of fun playing in the shop with our new customers.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Our topic this week is the very hungry caterpillar! We have been listening to the story and re telling it in many different ways. We enjoyed some food tasting, story sequencing, a caterpillar hunt, drawing a butterfly with chalks and measuring caterpillars using a ruler and cubes! The children thought the caterpillar was very greedy eating all of that food!