WC 22.2.21
Welcome back and hello to term 4. I know it seems like such a long time since we have been together but hopefully it won't be for much longer. My Kingfishers have been absolutely amazing at working from home and I know you will face this term with the same dedication and enthusiasm that I love! Keep sending me your work this week and I will be regularly updating our class page so you can see what everyone is getting up to.
We have a very exciting project in DT this term that links to our enquiry question 'How do we become a determined explorer?' so please read the letter to parents about this, which you will find below. You have something exciting to do before our lesson this week.
The time table below is the live lessons I will be doing with the key worker children throughout the week. It is suggested you follow this as well and if you need any help with a particular task, get in touch and I can help you live in the lesson. If you are a part time key worker child, following this timetable at home will make sure you are prepared for when you are in class with me.
Don't forget to join me for story time live online on Wednesday at 11:30am and make a booking to update me with your progress with your work. I will also be offering bookings to give children the chance to read to me. Choose your school book or a book from home to share with me. The link for this is below.
I am looking forward to seeing you all again and catching up with how your half terms have been.
Great catching up!
Morning lessons | 9am | 10:10 | 10:30 | 11:30 | Afternoon lessons | |
Monday | Maths 1 | SPAG 1 |
English 1 |
Phonics 1 |
Humanities |
Tuesday | Maths 2 | Reading 1 | English 2 | Phonics 2 |
DT |
Wednesday | Maths 3 |
English 3 |
SPAG 2 |
Live story time with Miss Anstey |
PE |
Thursday | Maths 4 | Reading 2 | English 4 | Phonics 3 | Science | |
Friday | Maths 5 | Spelling test | Big Write |
Celebration Assembly |
RE |
Don't forget I will be replying to emails and meeting on Bookings at 11:30- 12 and 2-3pm each day, so please send me messages and pictures/ videos of your work.
Don't forget the same rewards are still up for grabs. Team points can be given via email when you send me pictures of your work and these all add up to our Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. Which one are you working towards?
Speller of the week and mathematician of the week will be awarded in the Celebration Assembly so get busy on Edshed- spelling and maths.
A reading champion will also be picked so keep me updated with when you are reading for pleasure or completing a reading or phonics task and if you win, you can select a book from the Reading Treasure Chest on your return. Have a look at my video giving you a sneak peak into the treasure chest at what books are there for you to win!
The Celebration Assembly will be recorded and avaliable to watch on Friday afternoon in the Video Resource Centre.
This term as we are looking at our RE, we won't have designated PSHE lessons. However, the mindfulness we practised last term is so important especially during lockdown times. These activities help us keep calm, relaxed and happy. They are great to practise when we are already feeling good so in moments of need, when we don't feel so good, we can use these strategies to help us. I would like you to continue to choose one of the activities to do that you know you enjoy and help you feel happy as a Stay at Home Superhero. This could be at any time of the week.
Activities you could do:
- colouring, drawing or painting
- crafting or junk modelling
- a form of exercise
- yoga where you focus on your breathing (Cosmic Kids link below)
- reading a book
- do a jigsaw
- play a board game as a family
This week our focus in Maths is on shape. We have started to look at this earlier on in the school year, so this will be a recap on what we have already learnt. Then building on this with new learning as well.
As well as having the information pages 58, 60 and 62 in your Maths targeted study book, I have also uploaded 2D and 3D shape mats to help you with your work this week.
Watch the Maths video where I introduce you to the vocabulary you will need to support this weeks learning.
Maths 1
Today we will focus on 2D shapes. These are flat shapes. Read page 58 in your Maths targeted study book. This will show you labelled shapes, their properties and it will explain what symmetry is and how to find it on 2D shapes. Then complete page 59 in your book.
Maths 2
Now we will look at 3D shapes. This means you can pick them up and hold them. Read page 60 in your Maths targeted study book. This will show you labelled 3D shapes and their properties. Then complete page 61.
Maths 3
Today we are going to sort shapes. Read page 62 in your Maths targeted study book. This will give you a better understanding of how you can group shapes based on their properties like sides or vertices. Then complete page 63 in your book.
Maths 4
You should have a good understanding of 3D shapes now so have a hunt around your house to see what 3D shapes you can find in every day objects. For example, a can of beans in a cylinder. Then complete the Maths 4 sheet.
Maths 5
Please complete arithmetic test 1. There is an answer sheet attached, so only look at that when you are finished. You can then mark your test and let me know your score. On Friday, I will go through the strategies and answers with the key worker children in class and record it. If you are unsure of how to answer a question, watch the video and look at my example.
For our first week back, we are going to plan and begin to write a non-chronological report based on the polar regions we have been learning about. We wrote a non-chronological report based on Shackleton last term so hopefully you can remember some of the features we need to include. Watch the English video where I recap on the types of things we will include.
English 1
Today we are going to plan our introduction to our report based on the polar regions. This is where we give key facts about the subject to inform the reader what the report is about.
Read the text from our Reading Comprehension ‘Ends of the Earth’ and using the planning sheet, make notes about the key facts. You can copy the format from the sheet into your exercise book. These don’t need to be full sentences- just key words or phrases as we will be writing this into our introduction paragraph tomorrow.
English 2
Read through the text ‘Ends of the Earth again and familiarise yourself with your notes from yesterday’s English. Today I would like you to write an introduction paragraph about the polar regions using your notes from yesterday to help you. It should start with a heading and then a paragraph, which should be around 5/6 sentences long. As well as using your notes from the research lesson before, you also have collected lots of your own information about these regions last term so include any other facts you know that might interest others.
Remember when we are writing longer pieces of writing, it makes it easier to say one sentence out loud before writing it down and then working on the next. Don’t forget to include your capital letters and full stops. I would also like to add these to our display in class so please send me photos of your writing.
English 3
Read through the English 3 text ‘Light and Dark’ in the link below to find out all about the changes in light across the different seasons. The text also shares what spectacular displays can be seen in the night skies. I would like you to do some extra research based on The Northern Lights. Today I would like you to draw a picture of The Northern Lights and label it with all the facts you can find out about it.
English 4
Read through the English 3 text ‘Light and Dark’ in the link below and think about your planning from yesterday. Today I would like you to write a paragraph about the seasonal changes of the light in this area and the spectacular lights that can see seen. Remember to use your thoughts from yesterday to help you. It should start with a subheading like Polar seasons or Light and Dark. Your paragraph should be around 5/6 sentences long. Make sure it is full of facts to interest the reader.
Remember when we are writing longer pieces of writing, it makes it easier to say one sentence out loud before writing it down and then working on the next. Don’t forget to include your capital letters and full stops.
English 5
This is our Big Write of the week and this is where you show me all the amazing things you can put into your own creative piece of writing. Last term you wrote so brilliantly based on the picture book ‘Journey’ and I have such lovely feedback about how much you enjoyed it. Therefore, this term we are going to look at the sequel ‘Quest’ another fantastically illustrated book. I have included the pictures from the beginning of the story and I would like you to write the beginning of the story in words. This is where you can be creative with your vocabulary and include expanded noun phrases and verb phrases. You could include different sentences e.g. simple or complex with conjunctions, questions or exclamations.
As discussed with writing before, it can be quite tricky to think of the whole thing. Make it easier by breaking it down into one sentence at a time and say it out loud. It will be easier to write if you have heard it first. It might also make it easier if you just spend 5-10 minutes talking to some about the pictures- what do you see? Who is the main character? What is happening? Why do you think that is happening?
I love reading Big Write pieces of writing so please make sure you send me a photo of your work.
This week we are going to focus on ‘tense’ which describes if something has already happened, if it is happening right now or if it is going to happen in the future. When we are writing we should be able to write consistently within a tense without switching. Watch the SPAG video where I explain this a little further.
Complete the SPAG tasks this week to make you more familiar with the different tenses. Think about this carefully on Friday during your Big Write. What tense will you write in? Can you check it to make sure you stay in that tense throughout your writing?
This week we are focusing on a non-fiction text 'Polar Lands' and the text this week is called 'Ends of the Earth'.
You will find it on the link below and I recommend reading it daily to help build up your fluency and deepen your understanding. It would be good if this could be read with an adult and discuss some of the vocabulary in it.
Reading 1 and reading 2 both link to this text. You can find them both below.
Phonics and Spellings
Phonics this week has 3 tasks for you to do. They are all on the same sheet below but clearly labelled- task 1, task 2 and task 3. They focus on the 'ph' spelling of the 'f' sound.
The spelling sheet is also below so you can practise throughout the week- this can be done in your exercise book. The spelling test will be on Friday
Great use of phoneme fingers
Great reading being demonstrated!
Reading for Pleasure
Who will be the first reading champion of this term? If you would like to be in with a chance to choose a book to take home to keep, then you can still let me know each day what you have been reading. You can still take part at home by updating me with any reading task- this might be reading your school book, reading a book of your own at home, completing a reading comprehension task or a phonics task or doing something else reading related.
Please keep me updated with what books your enjoying, what your favourite parts are and don't forget to join me for story time at 11:30am on Wednesday where I will be reading to all my Kingfishers in school and at home via live video link. I will send out a link to you all.
Last term I listened to so many Kingfishers read through video calls and it was brilliant to hear you all becoming so fluent. If you would like to join me for our own story time, book an appointment online choosing the Kingfisher reading with Miss Anstey service available between 11-11:30am every day! See the link below. Feel free to book more than one slot if you would like.
Below is a picture of the memorial for The Pilgrim Fathers, which is here in Boston. This term we are going to learn about the local history of these brave men, woman and children and the adventure they went on.
This week I would like you to do your own research to find out why this memorial is here. You can use the internet to search for it or you may be lucky enough to have family members that you can talk to that might know about it as well.
Write a list of all the facts you find out during your research. Please share these with me when you are finished.
This term we have a very exciting project in DT and hopefully you have read the letter I have attached and emailed out to parents.
We are making a winter hat this term using all the knowledge we have gained from our textile work before Christmas and our materials work in Science last term. Hopefully you can already explain to your adult what the running stitch is and what properties a winter hat must have to be effective.
Please watch the DT video where I show you what we will be making. Even though you are at home still, everyone will get chance to join in with this project. We have been very busy making up parcels for you to collect from school with absolutely everything you will need to be able to make the winter hat. Each week I will upload step by step instructions by video or pictures to make it simple and easy for you to follow.
Last term the Kingfishers shared their ideas for protecting polar species and joining the fight against climate change. Quite a few suggested we could adopt a polar bear. Therefore, I am asking for a £3 donation towards the DT parcel of resources that you can collect. This money will be split evenly between a donation to the WWF charity to adopt a polar bear and the newly founded 'Wyberton Wellbeing' Fund that the school will use to support our families and community in the hard times we are facing. As soon as we have adopted the polar bear, we will receive information and updates from the WWF, which I will then share with you all.
So not only are the Kingfishers developing skills that will last them a life time, they will also be thinking deeply about the world we live in and how they can grow up helping to improve it.
I am very excited about this and I hope you can all support this. Parcels will be available to be collected from the office at school whilst out on your daily exercise from Monday morning and if you are able to make the £3 donation please bring this in a labelled envelope. If you are having any trouble in collecting your parcel, do please email me and let me know so I can help.
This weeks part of the DT task is to make the pom pom for the top of the hat. Before the holidays you watched a video of how to do this and wrote your own step by step instructions. Using the orange and blue balls of wool from your parcels and the two red pieces of circular card, please make your pom pom. Watch the video again to remind you of what to do.
You do not need to do anything else yet so just keep the rest of your resources in your parcel safe until next weeks lesson.
This term our PE focus is hand based ball skills. Follow the plan below- you might need to take this PE outside into the garden or a local park.
If you don't have access to a ball or a space big enough and aren't able to join in with this PE, choose another activity that can keep you active and healthy. Below are links to online yoga and a Joe Wicks work out.
Whatever you choose let me know and send me pictures or videos of keeping active!
Plus you should be taking 1 form of daily exercise a day so you can get some fresh air- enjoy a family walk, or a bike ride too.
Great hand eye co-ordination
Great catching skills
This term our Science focuses on 'Living Things and their Habitats'. Watch the Science video where I introduce this theme and discuss what a habitat is.
Have a look at the zoomed in picture to get you warmed up and ready for our lesson. What do you think it could be? Let me know your guesses and I will upload the zoomed out picture after the lesson.
What do you think this is?
Zoomed out picture
After you have watched the video, we are going to go on a bug hunt. You might do this in your garden or on a walk around your local area.
Things to take with you:
- white paper (to scoop us insects)
- an empty tub like an ice cream or yoghurt tub
- a magnifying glass if you have one
- a camera (ask an adult to help with this)
I would like you to go on a minibeast hunt to see what insects you can find. However, I don't want you to just tell me what you have found, but I would like you to think about the habitat you are finding them in. What area are they living in? How do they sustain themselves there with food and water? Let me know your thoughts in writing or through videos.
Remember to be gentle when you are looking at them and return them to the right habitats after so they are safe!
Exploring habitats
More exploration
Exploring the woods
Another habitat
High up habitat
Another habitat
This term we will be focusing on 'Thankfulness' in RE. Watch the RE video where I explain all the things this will include. After watching the video, complete the activity on the RE sheet. I cant wait to see the things you are thankful for.
Homework this week will be using our CGP books.
Please complete the following pages alongside the home learning by Friday 25th February.
Maths mental work out- page 18
Handwriting- page 26
Other activities
I hope you have all had a lovely half term holiday. I love to see you work so hard with your school work but I also love seeing and hearing about the other exciting things you get up to at home.
Just a reminder that school work might seem too much at times and you can choose to do something else- maybe spend time together as a family or play with your siblings. Remember that it is ok to take some time away from it all.