Term 6 - What journey does a raindrop take?
Welcome back to Term 6!
I hope you've had a lovely break and are looking forward to what the new term brings for key information please read the newsletter and for more information on our enquiry this term please see the mindmap attached. We have another fun-packed, inspiring and purposeful curriculum ready to explore.
Enquiry Mindmap
English - Debate
Should animals be kept in Zoos?
Today as a class we debated whether animals should be kept in zoos we looked at different arguments for and against! the children could articulate their opinions and facts well, making clear and decisive arguments for both sides.
What do you think, should animals be kept in Zoos?
English - Debate
Parent event - Rounders
This term we have been learning about Rounders the rules and skills need to play the game, therefore it would be fun to show the progress and development we have learnt to take on parents in the Parnets vs Children Rounders match!
Although the children did really well, the Parents won, there were lots of smiles and happy people from both sides.
Parent Event Rounders

Careers and Money Week!
This week we have learnt so much about the different careers available and the skills and qualities you need to be able to achieve these jobs, we've had some lovely visitors visit our class and tell/show us what it's like to be in their profession. We had a Nurse practitioner who kindly showed us some different ways she checks if people are healthy or if she can look after people. Then we had a football coach from Boston United share their experience and even brought a trophy in to share with us. It was lovely to hear about what going on beyond the pitch and what footballers have to do to become world-famous and part of the team. Lastly, we had a lovely lady from The Bitz who is a performer who had made a career and business out of singing and dancing. She was able to show us a cool move and even sang to us. It's been a fantastic week.
During English, we explored different job advertisements and learnt what skills, qualities and qualifications we would need for our dream job.
During Maths, we explored money problems, how to save and manage money, different types of payments and how paying for things has changed over the years.
Careers & Money Week

Music - Lincolnshire Music Service.
This year we have had the opportunity to be taught by the Lincolnshire Music Service learning, how to play different instruments and sing collaboratively. We've learnt how to play the trombone and the trumpet, which the children have thoroughly enjoyed. It has been a great experience.