W/C 11.01.2021
Hello Fox Class,
I am missing you lots! Lots of you have sent me your work, either by using the contact me section at the bottom of the class web page or via Twitter. You can ask me any questions and I will to get back to you as soon as possible. Please continue to send me your fantastic work and I will be able to give you feedback.
On the time table below, you will see that I will be available to answer emails and messages between 11:30-12:00 every day, with a whole class storytime on a Wednesday (an email invitation will be sent for this, so please make sure I have your email address). I will also be available for a 10-minute online appointment (on Microsoft Teams) between 2-3 pm every day too. Have a look at the 'Remote Learning' tab on Fox Class web page for instructions on how to do this.
Keep smiling, you’re amazing and I’m really proud of every single one of you!
Mrs Davies
Morning Lessons |
11:30-12:00 |
Afternoon Lessons |
2:00-3:00 |
Monday |
Maths lesson 1 |
English lesson 1 |
Reading comprehension |
Teacher conference During this time, I am available to respond to emails. Please send me your work of what you have been doing in the morning lessons. |
Spelling Activity 1 |
Topic |
Teacher conference During this time, I am available for online bookings, responding to your emails, and making phone calls. |
Tuesday |
Maths lesson 2 |
English lesson 2 |
Reading for pleasure |
Spelling Activity 2 |
Science |
Wednesday |
Maths lesson3 |
English lesson 3 |
Storytime with Mrs Davies on Microsoft Teams |
Spelling games on Spelling Shed |
P.S.H.E. |
Thursday |
Maths lesson 4 |
English lesson 4 |
Reading Comprehension |
Spelling games on Spelling Shed |
P.E. |
Friday |
Maths arithmetic |
English- Big Write |
Reading for Pleasure |
Spelling games and test |
Creative learning |
This week in Maths, we are continuing to learn about multiplying and division. Later in the week, we will be focusing on the 4 times table See below for the lessons.
There is a video in the Video Resource Centre introducing this week’s Maths and some lessons have additional videos that you will also find useful. As you send me your work, you may find additional videos in the Video Resource Centre to help with misunderstandings.
15.01.2021- Arithmetic
You will need your 10-minute weekly workout CGP book, pages 26-27 for today’s arithmetic lesson.
Then log in to your Maths shed to practise the tasks set on there.
This week in English, we are going to developing our understanding of fables so that next week we will be ready to write our very own version of a fable. See below for the lessons. On each document, you will find a grammar activity that you will need to complete in your CGP Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling book.
There is a video in the Video Resource Centre introducing this week’s English. As you send me your work, you may find additional videos in the Video Resource Centre to help with misunderstandings.
Monday 11th January 2021
LO. To outline the structure of a fable
Tuesday 12th January 2021
LO. To classify characters
Wednesday 13th January 2021
LO. To analyse the openings of fables
Thursday 14th January 2021
LO.To determine the moral of a story
LO.To develop characters traits
Today you are going to develop the characters that you are going to use in your fable and decide what the moral of your fable will be. This is the first part of the planning of your fable. We are going to base your fable on your learning from our topic lessons so that it teaches people about looking after the environment when they read it. Watch the video in the Video Resource Centre before starting this lesson.
Friday 15th January 2021
LO. To write a narrative
There is a video in the Video Resource Centre of Mrs Davies discussing today's lesson.
Click here to watch the video of the story for today's lesson
Reading comprehension
Monday 11th January 2021
Please complete pages 2-3 in your GCP book
Thursday 14th January 2021
Please read the text and then answer the questions on the same document.
Some extra challenges that we usually complete in our Whole Class Guided Reading sessions:
- Time yourself for 1 minute to see how many words you can read (let me know in our weekly catch-ups or send me a message to let me know your score)
- Identify any vocabulary that you are unsure of and use a dictionary to find the definition. You could create your own sentence using the word to stretch your thinking!

This week we are focussing on the spelling rule: The long /a/ vowel sound spelled ’ei.’
See below for the activities that are listed on the timetable above.
You will need to know your Spelling Shed log in details for some of the games. If you can’t quite remember your log in details, send me a message and I will be able to help you 😊
On Friday, give your spellings to someone in your household and ask them to test you on them. Don’t forget to send me your score.
We are continuing with learning about the environmental issues caused by humans and in this week’s topic lesson, we will answer the question ‘What is the impact of environmental issues?’ All of the instructions and resources for this week's lesson are on the PowerPoint below.
We are continuing with our learning about nutrition and this week we are focusing on understanding what a balanced diet looks like. There will be a video to help you with this lesson in the Video Resource Section that you will be able to find here.
LO. To develop strategies to recognise whether something you see online is true or accurate
In P.S.H.E. this term, one of the areas that we are focusing on is Media literacy and Digital resilience to gain an understanding of how the internet is used and assessing the information we can find online.
Below you will find a BBC Young Reporters lesson that will give you a broad understanding of the term ‘fake news’ and the skills and techniques to distinguish between what’s false or fake and what’s real.
You will need to read the slides, watch the videos, and complete exercise 1.
Please see the video of a Joe Wicks workout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz0go1pTda8
Then see the additional document for an extra challenge in P.E. The attached activity can be adapted so that you can do it in your own garden using things you may find there.
Creative Learning
LO. To understand pulse and rhythm.
Explore the lesson below from the National Oak Academy. Perhaps you could send me a video of you having a go at this practical lesson. Click on lesson 1 to complete today's work.