W/C 22.02.2021
Week commencing 22.02.2021
Hello Fox Class,
I hope you have had a lovely half-term break. We need to be stay at home superheroes for a little longer but we are now in Term 4! I am incredibly proud of how well you have adapted to remote learning.
Our enquiry question for this term is ‘How does water affect communities?’ and I am really looking forward to our learning journey this term! Through our learning this term, we will gain a good understanding of Boston and how it fits into the world. We will be focussing on the human and physical features of our local area, looking at the significance of the Boston Flood Barrier and comparing features with Venice in Italy. While we will be focussing on flooding, we will also be exploring droughts, tsunamis and earthquakes.
I have bookings appointments available every morning between 10:30 and 11:00 to listen to you read at home and bookings appointments available every afternoon between 2:00-3:00 for weekly catch-ups with you.
Link to book an appointment with Mrs Davies
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Mrs Davies 😊
Morning lessons |
11:30-12:00 |
Afternoon lessons |
2:00-3:00 |
Monday |
Maths lesson 1 |
English lesson 1 |
Reading comprehension |
Teacher conference During this time, I am available to respond to emails. Please send me your work of what you have been doing in the morning lessons. |
Spelling activity 1 |
Topic |
Teacher conference During this time, I am available for online booking, responding to your emails, and making phone calls. |
Maths lesson 2 |
English lesson 2 |
Reading for pleasure. |
Spelling activity 2 |
P.S.H.E. |
Wednesday |
Maths Lesson 3 |
English lesson 3 |
Storytime with Mrs Davies on Microsoft Teams (See email sent on 22.02.2021) |
Spelling games on Spelling Shed |
Science |
Thursday |
Maths lesson 4 |
English lesson 4 |
Reading comprehension
Spelling games on Spelling Shed |
P.E. |
Friday |
Maths arithmetic |
Big Write |
Reading for pleasure |
Spelling test |
Creative learning-Music |
This week in Maths, we are going to learn about money. There is a video link to each Maths lesson in the Video Resource Centre. As you send me your work, you may find additional videos in the Video Resource Centre to help with misunderstandings.
Maths lesson 3
L.O. To consolidate my understanding of pounds and pence.
Maths lesson 4
LO. To understand how to convert pounds and pence.
LO. To develop my arithmetic skills
Please complete page 12 in your CGP Mental workout book.
This week in English we are going to explore the features of an explanation text. There is a video for each lesson in the Video Resource Centre. As you send me your work, you may find additional videos in the Video Resource Centre to help with misunderstandings.
Monday 22nd February 2021
English lesson 1
LO. To understand the difference between an instructional text and an explanation text.
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
English lesson 2
LO. To identify the features of an explanation text.
Wednesday 24th February 2021
English lesson 3
LO. To understand how to order and sequence an explanation text.
Thursday 25th February 2021
English lesson 4
LO. To orally explain a process
Now that we have gained an understanding about explanation texts, we are going to practise verbally explaining a process. This is a National Oak Academy lesson. Follow the links to complete today’s work.
Friday 26th February 2021
Big Write
LO. To write a non-chronological report.
This is your chance to show what you have learnt from our learning in English from last term.
In the video in the video resource centre, Mrs Davies explains what you need to do for this week's Big write.
Reading comprehension
Monday 22nd February 2021
Please complete pages 8 and 9 in your CGP KS2 English comprehension targeted question book. The answers are in the document below.
Thursday 25th February 2021
Look at the reading comprehension ‘Spotting a tsunami’ (the t is silent so you don’t say this when reading the word). Read the text and then answer the questions on the same document. The answers are on the next page in the document.
This week we are focussing on the spelling rule: The /l/ sound spelled ‘-al’ at the end of words.
See below for the activities that are listed on the timetable above.
You will need to know your Spelling Shed log in details for some of the games. If you can’t quite remember your log in details, send me a message and I will be able to help you 😊
On Friday, watch the video in the Video Resource Centre labelled spelling test 26.02.2021 and you will be able to do your spelling test with Mrs Davies. The direct link to this is below:
In this lesson, we will be investigating the location of Boston in the UK. We will be looking at the counties that surround Lincolnshire and its place within the UK.
There is a video in the video resource centre that will guide you through the tasks for this lesson. In case the map is not clear enough to read on the PowerPoint, I have attached the original map of Boston below that you will need for one of the tasks.
LO. To understand the reason for rules and laws in wider society
Please watch the video in the Video Resource Centre that will guide you through this lesson.
In this lesson, we will be exploring what rules and laws are, who makes the laws, who needs to follow the rules and why. We will also explore what would happen if we lived in a world with no rules.
LO. To understand that animals including humans cannot make their own food.
In this lesson, we are looking at sources of food for animals including humans. There is a video on the powerPoint that will help with today's lesson.
Have a look at this P.E. with Joe Wicks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5mREgx5Euw
Then take a look at the document from Elite Sports Academy. This is the fourth lesson of gymnastics.
Creative Learning
LO. To explore body percussion
We are now going to move on to understanding timbre in music. This is the first of 6 lessons. The link will take you directly to the next lesson on the National Oak Academy site.