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Wyberton Primary Academy

Term 3- What happened once upon a time?

Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser - What happened once upon a time?

What happened once upon a time?

This term is a very exciting term as we explore traditional tales and fairy tales. During this enquiry, children will be learning about stories and changes of past and present. Children will be conducting experiments using different materials and performing lots of role play. 



Week 1 

We welcomed the children back to school for a brand new year. The children were introduced to their new enquiry questions: what happened once upon a time? The children shared their excitement for their learning ahead!


Week 2

The Gingerbread Man 

This week the children have been learning all about the story of The Gingerbread Man. They acted out the story and talked about who were the good characters and who were the bad characters. At end of the week the children discussed ways the gingerbread man could make it safely across the water without using the fox. They collected items from outside and inside the classroom and we tested them. Children made predictions whether the items would sink or float.

Week 3

Jack and the Beanstalk

This week our focus story was Jack and the Beanstalk. The children learnt all about the story and role played using masks and puppets. The children discussed who was the bad character and who was good. This sparked a conversation around whether Jack was good for stealing from the Giant or bad. As the weather got colder, we set up a Jack and the Beanstalk themed tuff tray outside that had frozen over. The children enjoyed using different items to try and break the ice and free the characters. The children talked about how ice is created and what helps to melt the ice. 

Week 4

The Three Little Pigs.
This week the children learned the story of the Three Little Pigs. They retold the story using stick puppets and masks. During their provision time they created houses and tested to see if the wolf would be able to blow them down. The children designed a house for the pigs so the wolf would not be able to enter and blow it down, they had to think about the appropriate materials. 

Week 5


This week the children were introduced to the story of Cinderella. They listened to two versions of the story and compared similarities and differences. The children discussed the main characters, the setting and the villains in the story. Towards the end of the week, the children found a shoe with a wanted poster, it was from Cinderella asking the children is she had seen her other shoe. The children had to follow a map to find the missing shoe. 
