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Wyberton Primary Academy

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Wyberton Primary Academy

Term 5

Church visit

Today we visited the church as part of our RE curriculum and learning about the Easter story, The children really enjoyed learning the different parts of the Easter story and what happened to Jesus and his disciples. This visit really helped in bed our learning from our lessons. 

English - Drama

In English today we were learning about direct speech and what better way to learn about speaking than to perform? We had a drama lesson using direct speech to explain the journey a piece of food would take through the digestive system. The children really enjoyed performing their parts, some were organs and the others food. 


In today's lesson, we looked at how to look after and clean our teeth, First, we cleaned our teeth then to check how well we had cleaned our teeth, we chewed discolouration tablets to show if there was any plaque (pink) still remaining on our teeth. The children really enjoyed this experiment and investigation, even though the toothpaste wasn't to everyones taste. 

Parent Event

Parent event - It's always so lovely to have parents come in and see what the children have been up to. This term we have been learning all about the digestive system. The children explained how the digestive system works and which organs the food passes through. The children then recreated this in an experiment with their parents. 

Old Gainsborough Hall

School trip to Old Gainsborough Hall - What a great way to end the term! The children loved retrieving their knowledge about the Tudors and learning more as we explored Old Gainsborough Hall. A highlight for the children was when they were able to dress up and act out what it would be like for those in different societies during Tudor times.
