WC 18.1.21
Welcome to week 3 Kingfishers and I looking forward to seeing how you work this week. Again I am so impressed with your work last week as well as your interactions, your effort and your photos and videos of your hard work. Keep sending me your work this week and I will be regularly updating our class page so you can see what everyone is getting up to.
The time table below is the live lessons I will be doing with the key worker children throughout the week. It is suggested you follow this as well and if you need any help with a particular task, get in touch and I can help you live in the lesson. If you are a part time key worker child, following this timetable at home will make sure you are prepared for when you are in class with me.
Don't forget to join me for story time live online on Wednesday at 11:30am and make a booking to update me with your progress with your work. I will also be offering bookings to give children the chance to read to me. Choose your school book or a book from home to share with me. The link for this is below.
I am looking forward to seeing you all again.
Morning Lessons | Afternoon lessons | ||||||
Monday | Maths 1 | SPAG 1 | English 1 | Phonics 1 | Humanities | ||
Tuesday | Maths 2 | Reading comprehension 1 | English 2 | Phonics 2 | Art | ||
Wednesday | Maths 3 | SPAG 2 | English 3 | Live story with me | PE | ||
Thursday | Maths 4 | Reading comprehension 2 | English 4 | Phonics 3 | Science | ||
Friday | Maths 5 | Spelling Test | Big Write | Celebration Assembly | PSHE |
Don't forget I will be replying to emails and meeting on Bookings at 11:30- 12 and 2-3pm each day, so please send me messages and pictures/ videos of your work.
Don't forget the same rewards are still up for grabs. Team points can be given via email when you send me pictures of your work and these all add up to our Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. Which one are you working towards?
Speller of the week and mathematician of the week will be awarded in Celebration Assembly so get busy on Edshed- spelling and maths.
A reading champion will also be picked so keep me updated with when you are reading for pleasure or completing a reading or phonics task and if you win, you can select a book from the Reading Treasure Chest on your return. Have a look at my video giving you a sneak peak into the treasure chest at what books are there for you to win!
We are also picking a star of the week from our key worker group and our remote learners group- last week Zachary was our star shining bright at home. Could it be you this week? Watch the video of the assembly on Friday to see who is chosen.
Well done to everyone working so hard this week. Our at home star is William C and our in school star is Jasmine!!! Superb effort from you both.
Our speller of the week is George, our mathematician of the week is Paisley and our reading champion is Jasmine.
Also bronze award go to Austeja this week!

There is a daily warm up for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please copy the questions and your answers into your exercise book.
This week we are going to be learning all about addition. This is an area of Maths we have looked at before but we are going to recap on the strategies we already know. Then develop some new methods as well.
Maths 1
Today we are going to focus on adding 2-digit numbers together using drawings of tens and ones to help us. You might be able to do these mentally in your head but then I would like you to be able to draw the tens and ones to check your answers. Watch the Maths 1 video in the video resource centre (see link below) to show you how to use the drawings to add 2-digit numbers. Then complete the questions on Maths 1 sheet in your exercise book, drawing tens and ones to help you.
Maths 2
Please watch Maths 2 video which shows you how to add tens or ones using a number line. Then answer the questions on Maths 2 sheet, copying them into your exercise book and drawing number lines to show your working out.
Maths 3
Please watch Maths 3 video which shows you how to add 2-digit numbers using a number line. Then answer the questions on Maths 3 sheet, copying them into your exercise book and drawing number lines to show your working out.
Maths 4
****Some people found Maths 3 tricky, if that was you, I would like you to do the Extra Maths 4 before going on to the next task. For Extra Maths 4, there is a video in the video resource centre to watch and then have a look at Extra Maths 4 sheet.*****
Watch Maths 1, 2 and 3 videos again to remind you of the different ways to work out addition. Then read page 22 and complete page 23 in your green Maths targeted study book.
Maths 5
Please complete arithmetic test 3, which is in paper form in your packs. On Friday, I will go through the strategies and answers with the key worker children in class and record it. Once you have finished, watch the video, check your working out and mark your answers. Let me know your scores.
This week we will be writing diary entries based on Shackleton and his crew. Diary entries are a style of writing we have looked at before so hopefully children will remember them. However, watch English 1 video in the video resource centre (see link below) where I recap on what writing features we use in a diary.
English 1
We are going to plan our first diary entry today based on Shackleton. I would like you to create an ideas sheet like in the English 1 video that will help you with your writing tomorrow. You should think about how Shackleton was feeling, what he might have been thinking and what he had been doing. You should think about the journey to Antarctica and the time that he got stuck in the pack ice.
English 2
Today you will be writing a diary entry based on Shackleton and using your planning notes from yesterday. Watch English 2 video to show you how you could get started and how you can turn your notes into full sentences. Write your diary entry into your exercise book.
English 3
We are going to plan our next diary entry today based on Hurley, one of Shackleton's crew mates. I would like you to create an ideas sheet like earlier in the week that will help you with your writing tomorrow. You should think about how Hurley was feeling, what he might have been thinking and what he had been doing. You should think about the journey to Antarctica and the time that he got stuck in the pack ice. Remember Hurley was in charge of looking after some of the dogs and he was the crew mate that liked to film with a camera, what was going on around them.
English 4
Today you will be writing a diary entry based on Hurley and using your planning notes from yesterday. Watch English 4 video to remind you how you could get started and how you can turn your notes into full sentences. Write your diary entry into your exercise book.
Big Write
This is our Big Write of the week and this is where you show me all the amazing things you can put into your own creative piece of writing. We are going to continuing with the picture book 'Journey' because I was so impressed with your story starters last week.
I have included the next set of pictures from the story that follow on from last weeks and I would like you to write the next part of the story in your own words. This is where you can be creative with your vocabulary and include expanded noun phrases and verb phrases. You could include different sentences e.g. simple or complex with conjunctions, questions or exclamations. I have included a word mat of conjunctions that might help you when developing your sentences. See link below.
As discussed with writing before, it can be quite tricky to think of the whole thing. Make it easier by breaking it down into one sentence at a time and say it out loud. It will be easier to write if you have heard it first. It might also make it easier if you just spend 5-10 minutes talking to some about the pictures- what do you see? Who is the main character? What is happening? Why do you think that is happening?
I love reading Big Write pieces of writing so please make sure you send me a photo of your work
Watch the SPAG 1 video in the video resource centre (see link below) where I explain about using apostrophes for possession. Then complete the task on the SPAG 1 sheet below.
SPAG 2 is to complete page 17 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book, which is based on using apostrophes for possession as well.
This week we are focusing on another part of 'Shackleton's Journey' called 'A Change of Plans'. There is a paper copy of this text in your packs and I have added the text below in case you can't find it. Like last week I would like you to read it daily. This will help to build up fluency and deepen your understanding. It would be good if this could be read with an adult and discuss some of the vocabulary in it.
Reading 1 and reading 2 both link to this text. You can find them both below.
Phonics and Spellings
Phonics this week has 3 tasks for you to do. They are all on the same sheet below but clearly labelled- task 1, task 2 and task 3. They focus on the 'igh' sound and in particularly spelling the 'igh' sound using alternative spellings.
The spelling sheet is also below so you can practise throughout the week- this can be done in your exercise book. The spelling test will be on Friday.
Reading for Pleasure
We are still having a reading champion each week and if you would like to be in with a chance to choose a book to take home to keep, then you can still let me know each day what you have been reading. You can still take part at home by updating me with any reading task- this might be reading your school book, reading a book of your own at home, completing a reading comprehension task or a phonics task or doing something else reading related.
Please keep me updated with what books your enjoying, what your favourite parts are and don't forget to join me for story time at 11:30am on Wednesday where I will be reading to all my Kingfishers in school and at home via live video link. The link from last week will work but I will send out a reminder link to you all. Please reply to my email about meeting permissions if you haven't already.
I would also like to hear you read this week so if you would like to join me for our own story time, book an appointment online choosing the Kingfisher reading with Miss Anstey service available between 11-11:30am every day! See the link below.
GP RFP.mp4

FG RFP Video.mp4

Online Story Time with my Kingfishers
Individual story times with Miss Anstey
This weeks humanities is going to focus on the geography of our location, England and Antarctica, where Shackleton went exploring.
In your exercise book, I would like you to draw your own table like the one below. Then fill it in with the key facts you have found/ already know. If there is something you can’t find, can you use the internet to research it instead.
Use the pages from the atlas to help you. I have attached them below.
England |
Antarctica |
What is the land like? |
Temperature |
Weather |
Surrounding seas |
Mountains |
Todays task will be based on Casper David Friedrich’s winter landscapes. We looked at these in school on the first week. I have added them to our class page so you can remind yourself of them.
Task: Today I would like you to plan out your own winter landscape. If you have a piece of paper that you could fold into quarters to use or use pages in your exercise book. Create four different mini landscapes to try out different ideas. Remember to use soft, short, light strokes of a pencil when you are creating your ideas. You could include things that are similar to Casper’s including trees, mountains and rocks thinking about where about where it is.
Watch the Art video in the video resource centre to see some of my ideas before you have a go at your own. (see link below)
This weeks PE is based on developing our gymnastics that we have been looking at the past few weeks. Todays lesson is all about how we can develop our sequences and make them look great as we perform them.
If your are struggling to do the gymnastics in your house or don't have a garden, there are lots of other PE lessons you could do. The BBC have one on the TV daily or you could follow a you tube video like Joe Wicks or Cosmic Kids. I have included some of the links below. Let me know still if you choose something different.
Warming up as beans

More warm beans

Fantastic sequence

To begin our lesson, have a look at the zoomed in picture below. What do you think it could be? Think about the properties of materials as this might help you. Write your prediction or send me a video letting me know what you think it is.
I think...

Todays task is still looking at materials for specific purposes.
I would like you to create a bridge using materials from around your house. Think about the purpose of a bridge and what properties it needs to have. For example, a flexible bridge wouldn't be safe for someone to walk across.
Once you have designed and created your bridge, I would like you to test it out using a small toy. How many can you stand on top of your bridge with it holding the weight of them?
Send me videos or pictures of you testing it out.
Proof it works

Why I used this design

Bridges made in class
This week I would like you to continue with mindfulness. This is where we do things that help keep our heads healthy, which is so important right now. Practising mindfulness is a good thing to do when we are already feeling ok, then it might be easier to go to when we are in need of a calm down.
I would like you to choose something to do that helps put you in a good mood that isn't technology based. This could be being active- going for a walk, being creative- doing a piece of art work, colouring or a dot to dot or it could be being peaceful- find a quiet place to have a seat, read or listen to music.
Watch the PSHE video in the video resource centre (see link below) to see what I like to get up to.
Share what you find is helpful for you through picture or video form with me please.
What we do to keep our heads healthy

Keeping active helps our heads too

An afternoon of mindfulness with the key worker children
Homework this week will be using our CGP books.
Please complete the following pages alongside the home learning by Friday 22nd January.
Maths mental work out- page 14
Handwriting- page 22
Other activities
It is also so lovely to hear and see the other wonderful things you are doing to keep yourself busy while being Stay at Home Superheroes!