Amazon Rainforest
Another successful parent event!
This week we opened up our classroom doors and invited in our families to share our homework projects with them. Thank you to all who attended! Many comments were made on the quality and creativity of these projects and I am so thankful for our Squirrel family.

Our outstanding projects
Wow! Look at what our fantastic Squirrels have created for their homework projects all about the Amazon Rainforest! I have been blown away by the effort and detail put into their creative pieces and their extended writing. Well done to all involved and a huge thanks to those parents and families who have supported their children with their work.
Our outstanding homework projects!
Thank you to all who attended our parent event!
On Monday afternoon, the Squirrel Class were creative once more! This time, they worked in small groups with their parents and carers to create dioramas of the Amazon Rainforest. A diorama is a 3D model often used in Geography to show the physical features of a biome. I was so impressed with the application of vocabulary from our Geography learning. One group even labelled their rainforest correctly. Well done Squirrel Class! Photos from the event can be found by clicking here
Scratch Programming in Computing
In our Computing lessons this term, we have been learning to create our own maze game. This week, we learnt how to add more than one level by changing the background. Some children have even been inspired to create their own games at home!

Brilliant progress in gymnastics
We have been working incredibly hard on our counter balances in PE this term. Look at the progress we have made since our first lesson!

Fantastic setting descriptions inspired by Katherine Rundell's 'The Explorer'
The Squirrel class have been working hard once more in English. Inspired by 'The Explorer' the children drew their own setting descriptions based on the vocabulary from the text. They imagined what it would be like to be stranded in the Amazon rainforest and used multi-sensory descriptions to create an image in the reader's mind.
Here is an example of our fantastic writing - can you imagine being in this setting?
Comment t'appelle tu?
In French this week, we recapped greetings and then asked one another 'what is your name?' and we learnt how to respond. Here we are in action, asking one another what our whiteboard character's names are!
Amazing progress with our counter balances
We have made such excellent progress this lesson with our counter balances. After spending time reflecting on our work from last lesson, we decided our counter balances needed to be simpler and stronger. We understood that in order to make a counter balance it needed a push against our partner. Towards the end of the lesson, we explored some ways of getting out of our balances which flowed nicely.
What is a biome?
In our Geography lesson today, we were fascinated to learn about a new geographical term called a 'biome.' Do you know what a biome is? If your answer is no, then perhaps you could ask one of our expert Year Fives!
Here is some of their fantastic work on the biomes of the world:
Our trip to Boston Library
We were so lucky that the fantastic librarians at Boston Library offered to tailor a workshop based around our rainforest topic. When we got to the library, which many of our children had not visited before, we were greeted by the welcoming library team. They helped us to make some fantastic rainforest creatures as bookmarks and we also spent time reading and exploring lots of rainforest books, that they had kindly ordered in for us.
We LOVED our morning and we are hoping to visit again in the Summer term. Thank you to our parents and carers for their contributions towards the coach cost.
You can find more photos of this visit over on our 'Events' page on the Squirrel homepage.
Where in the world is the Amazon Rainforest located?
One of our first questions in Year 5 was 'where is the Amazon located' and 'which country is it in?' These questions desperately needed answering so we got out our giant map, dusted off our atlases and set to work! We were amazed to find out that the Amazon is not located in one country but several! We could not believe the size of the rainforest. Not only did we learn where the Amazon was located but we also found several other rainforests all around the world. Did you know that the majority of rainforests are found between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn? Here is some of our excellent map work:
Counter balances in gymnastics
This term, our PE unit is all about learning how to create excellent counter balances and counter tension balances with our partner or using apparatus. In our first lesson, the Squirrels explored creating different counter balances. What do you think of our first attempts in the slideshow below?