Week beginning 4th January
Hello Year 6 - please watch this video in our Video Resource Centre of Mr Hawkins talking through the remote learning.
Here is the timetable which we will be following in class from Tuesday 5th January - Friday 8th January. You might want to follow something similar too.
Morning lessons |
Afternoon lessons |
Tuesday 5th |
Maths - L2 |
Spelling |
English - L2 |
SPaG 1 |
P.E |
Wednesday 6th |
Maths - L3 |
Spelling |
English - L3 |
SPaG 2 |
P.S.H.E |
Thursday 7th |
Maths - L4 |
Spelling |
English - L4 |
Reading |
P.E |
Friday 8th |
Arithmetic - L5 |
Spelling test |
Big Write |
Reading |
History |
In English this week, we are beginning to explore the text 'Letters from the Lighthouse', written by Emma Carroll. I have attached Chapter 1 for you (which we read in class on Monday). Lesson 2 recaps Chapter 1 and has some VIPERS comprehension questions, whilst in Lesson 3 you need to create a comic strip or a storyboard of the main events from the first chapter. This is printed out and included in your packs. Lesson 4 asks you to focus more on the character of Olive. Open the document and read the instructions at the bottom for your activity.
- Chapter 1 Letters from the Lighthouse
- Lesson 2 - VIPERS questions
- Lesson 3 - comic strip
- Lesson 4 - Impressions of Olive - the image below shows some ideas from the keyworker children for the character of Olive.
In SPaG, we are recapping how to punctuate sentences correctly. This explores capital letters, question marks, full stops.... all of the basics!
Big Write
This week's Big Write is recapping balanced arguments from last term. The planning sheet has lots of information about this week's question, as well as the Success Criteria for writing a balanced argument. Our question is Can war ever be a good thing? Spend 15 minutes planning your ideas, discussing with your family, then 30-40 minutes writing your balanced argument in your yellow exercise books. There is a video in the Video Resource Centre of Mr Hawkins talking through this activity.
For Maths this week, we are exploring fractions. We are recapping how to find equivalent fractions, then using this to simplify fractions. Lesson 4 will explore how to convert between mixed and improper fractions.
- Lesson 2 - Equivalent fractions https://vimeo.com/466488832
- Lesson 3 - Simplifying fractions https://vimeo.com/467396285
- Lesson 3 - Simplifying fractions additional resource
- Lesson 4 - Improper and mixed fractions https://vimeo.com/467394996
Answers to Challenges 2 and 3 are discussed on a video on the Video Resource Centre.
Our Arithmetic focus is on the order of operations, using the term BODMAS. Have a look at the activity below which has a helpful explanation on.
There is an Arithmetic test below for you to complete as part of the Arithmetic lesson too - write the questions and answers in your grey Maths book. Answers are on the last page so you can mark these yourself.
For Reading this week, you should be completing your CGP Reading homework book - this was sent home on Monday. Your task is to complete Set A: Test 1, pages 2-4. Read the text on Thursday, and then answer the comprehension questions on Friday.
This week's spelling pattern involves words where the vowel is unstressed (which means that you don't necessarily hear it) - this includes words such as secretary and desperate. Please find the resources for our Spelling sessions below. These can be completed in your yellow exercise book. Don't forget to write the date and the title from the sheets. You have Spelling Shed which you can use too for practice.
This term's P.E will focus on getting fit and healthy. Please complete the activities on the resource below - we will be doing this on two separate days, to see how our fitness improves. Time how long it takes to complete each set of activities and try to beat this the next time.
Our P.S.H.E this term will explore discrimination and prejudice. Prejudice is when you judge a book by its cover. Work through the resource below and complete the activities on it - it's a great way to learn about how we might show prejudice.
I would like you to recap the information on Appeasement, which was the process of letting someone (like Hitler) get away with things and be treated nicely to stop them from attacking or being unkind. I would like you to write a brief paragraph explaining whether Neville Chamberlain - our prime minister at the time - should have appeased Hitler. You had lots of opinions when we started to discuss this on Monday. Don't forget to write the date and LO in your yellow exercise book.