Term 4 What journey does a raindrop take?
Our enquiry question this term is:
What journey does a raindrop take?
This term we shall be going on a learning journey to discover the journey a raindrop takes! We shall learn all about the water cycle in Geography and Science, explore the features of a river and learn about the largest rivers and mountains in the UK and the world!
Here is our enquiry mat for this term. It would be helpful if you tried to learn the definitions, memorised the key features of a river and the water cycle and furthered your learning by discussing the learning themes on the second page. Perhaps you could do some of your own research?
Week Two
This week saw another World Book Day! It was a fun filled week with activities linked to reading. We heard from real authors during special live World Book Day assemblies, created our own book characters using recycled materials and had our own Teams session with our remote learners to show off our creations! Can you identify some of the book characters made by the Badgers?
Week One
This week during our first lesson of our new topic, we discussed our enquiry question: 'What journey does a raindrop take?' Badgers at home and in school shared their thoughts on some key questions and wrote some fantastic enquiry questions for us to explore further over the term. These can be viewed on our class Padlet
Raindrop poetry in Big Write and a stunning display
Wow! Look at these amazing raindrop poems created by the Badgers! They applied their understanding of free verse poetry from last term to create their own poems about a single raindrop. Excellent choices of vocabulary were made to make the reader picture the sound and journey a raindrop takes!
In the background of the images below, you can also see the stunning display created by some of our Badgers. It will be a really useful learning tool when we come to learn about the water cycle. I love the ownership that was taken when creating it.
What is the difference between a river and a lake?