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Wyberton Primary Academy

Term 5- How does our food journey through our bodies?

Welcome back to Term 5!


I hope you've all enjoyed your Easter break. This term we have another exciting enquiry question - How does our food journey through our bodies? As this is a science driver we will become scientists and learn lots of interesting facts about our body. We will have another page-turner for our reading this term and focus on lots of active English. 

Science - How does food journey through our bodies?


During science today we learnt that the first part of the digestion cycle is the mouth and how the food journey begins in our mouths. We discussed the importance of good oral hygiene and we should brush our teeth twice a day for 2/3 minutes and floss regularly. we investigated how well we brush our teeth using disclosure tables. The children were amazed by how much plaque was left after brushing.

Science - Oral hygiene
