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Wyberton Primary Academy

Remote learning


Good morning Year 6,


Please see today's learning below for Maths, English and Reading and PE.

Use some of this afternoon to practise your parts in the performance, thinking about how you are saying your lines, which direction you are facing (you can pretend there is an audience) and the volume of your voice.



Converting metric measures

English- a day in the life of the Maya research


You may use the reading comprehension below to find out as much about the Maya or you can do your own research- remember this is for your diary entry so it needs to be as clear as possible.

Guided Reading


Answer the micro vipers questions about a short piece of text.

PE- PE with Joe Wicks


Follow the link below to a 'PE with Joe' session.



Performance script


If you need a copy of the script, please email Mrs Davies, as I am unable to put it on here due to copyright laws.
