Summer Term 2
At Home Hedgehog Superstars!
Isolation Activities
Hello at home Hedgehog superheroes. Remember we all have to stay at home at the minute to help to keep each other safe.
Our Year 6 children are going to be leaving their Wyberton Family on Wednesday and traditionally Reception share with them what they hope they will do for our world as they grow. Over the years they have suggested things like 'caring for animals', 'never dropping litter' and 'being good friends to everybody'.
To try to carry on with this tradition could you please encourage your child to draw and colour a picture and write a sentence to show what they hope our year 6 children will do for our world. They can do more than one if you like. Please take a photo of these and email them to me by Tuesday 3pm and I will create a montage of them ready for the Year 6 leaver's assembly on Wednesday.
End of term get together
On Wednesday at 9am I would love it if we could have a get together to say our good byes and maybe for the children to share something that they really enjoyed doing during our time together and what they are looking forward to about year 1. I will send a TEAMs link to everybody for this so look out in your emails for this.
Some Super Wishes for Year 6