Term 5- Where do our favourite animals live?
This term we have been learning about animals around the world. We learnt Elephants are from Africa and Penguins are from Antarctica. They children learnt interesting facts about the continents in our world.

We have been learning to show multiplication and division by grouping and sharing. We practised showing this through arrays with cubes. We have also been very busy learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s.

King's Coronation
We had a great time celebrating the King's coronation. We dressed up in royal clothes, enjoyed story time based on royal books and we loved making our own crowns. It was lovely to see the children parading around the school grounds showing them off to our parents.

In our PE lessons, we have been developing our skills to jump. We enjoyed applying these skills to games that required us to jump, hop and leap!

Woodside Wildlife
We had such a brilliant day at Woodside Wildlife. We were able to apply our knowledge of animals and continents. The children enjoying meeting a range of animals and even got to stroke a snake!

Class Assembly
I was amazed with how wonderful the Owls were during their class assembly. They were so impressive with how they learnt their lines and performed clearly to parents. The children sung songs about continents and animals and were able to retrieve knowledge from our enquiry this term.
Design Technology
The children have been very busy making a patchwork blanket. The chose the colour they wanted for their squares, picked the shape they wanted as a decoration and the colour they wanted their shape to be. They drew around their shapes and learnt how to use a running stitch to attach it to their squares. The squares are all being added together to make a unique blanket.

Careers and Money Week
We spent careers week learning about zoo keepers and our visit to Woodside Wildlife supported this. We examined different coins to identify their value. The owls also predicted zookeepers were mainly male when they were asked to draw a zookeeper but it was lovely to see most of the zookeepers at Woodside were female. We spoke about stereotypes and how you can do anything you want regardless of your gender.