Term 1
Class Newsletter
Week 1
Our new children have been settling in and getting to know each other. We have enjoyed lots of activities outside and inside. We have played with play dough, enjoyed some time in the garden enjoying the sunshine. We have also been very creative and made some pictures 🤩
Week 2
We have started our master the curriculum maths lesson! This week we are learning the colours red, blue and yellow. We have enjoyed some group activities recognising our colours and learning new vocabulary.
Week 3
This week we have been developing our fine motor skills and drawing on a large scale using a roll of paper. We have also recognised the colours green and purple in our maths lessons this week. We talked about our favourite colour, getting to know each other.
Week 4
This week we have been drawing our self-portraits, using mirrors to help us and identify what makes us different. We have also been on a listening walk, spotting signs of autumn and the changes we can see. We collected conkers, leaves, pinecones and sticks. The children had lots of fun collecting natural resources and creating an autumn themed tuff tray.
Week 5
This week we have been learning about our senses. We tasted sour sweets, smelt tuna using our noses, we heard the carrots crunching, and we used our hands to look at the texture of a kiwi and what it felt like. We also used our eyes to look at a pineapple and talk about what it looked like. We have had a very busy week at Little Oaks as well as learning how to match shapes and objects during our math’s activities.
Week 6
This week we have been learning about people who help us and how important their jobs are. We also enjoyed learning how to sort bears into sizes and colours. We also enjoyed some parachute games in the hall and learning how to roll the ball to our friends.