Term 2
Science Lesson

During Science, the children have been learning about electricity. We looked at what we needed to make circuits and the different components we could use. We learned about insulators and conductors and tested different materials to see if they were insulators or conductors. with this knowledge, we then designed and made objects of the children's choice to incorporate a circuit into them. Their designs were fabulous and they worked very hard. We had cars, houses, windmills, and many more.
Computing Lesson

Our computing skills have come along way since we started, we have been looking at algorithm and how to create programmes. We've made a rock, paper scissors game, and a dice game.on Micro bit.

Pudsey day was very popular, all the children supported Children in Need. The children understood the importance of the ethos around the cause and how important it is to support those in the local and wider community.
PSHE Lesson

Today we looked at stereotyping, what it is and how people stereotype others. We learnt that stereotyping can be hurtful and can offend others. We spoke about families and what families look like and how we shouldn’t always stereotype people, assuming everyone will have the same types of families. The class agreed it doesn’t matter what type of family you have, and it is ok to be different from each other.
Science Lesson

We have 29 electricians in the making! Today we explored making circuits, using a battery pack, wires, buzzers, switches, and lights bulbs. We reminded ourselves of the safety measures needed when using or around electrical items from our previous lesson. The children really enjoyed making these and can’t wait for next week’s lesson.
Road Safety

Today we learned all about road safety and the importance of car seats and seat belts. It was lovely to have the Road Safety Officer Samantha Smith in class to share all her knowledge on how to keep ourselves safe.
Music Lesson

Today during music, the children learnt all about pitch and other music around the world, which is linked to our enquiry question. They learnt a new song and enjoyed the rhythm of the song "Me Tarzan, you Jane." we even learnt some actions too. we then made comparisons to two recordings of the American spiritual Swing low, sweet chariot, which is a pentatonic song. One is sung by gospel singer, Etta James, and the other by a group of unaccompanied voices (a cappella). The children enjoyed this lesson.