Ant and Dec have teamed up with NSPCC to create a special video for children. Please watch their virtual assembly by clicking on the link below:
It has some advice for children who may be worrying about Coronavirus and the impact on their family, as well as other important advice and words of encouragement.
Welcome to the Hedgehog Class from the amazing staff who will be working with your children.
What to expect, When?
Contact Mrs Taylor
Fill this in to ask Mrs Taylor a question.
At Home Hedgehogs WB 6/4/20
At Home Hedgehogs WB 30/3/20
29/3/20 The Butterflies are Hatching!
At Home Hedgehogs WB 23/3/20
At Home Hedgehogs
For the week beginning Monday 23rd March 2020 we should have been looking at the variations of the sound er. This sound can be written in 3 main ways:
er (like in fern)
ir (like in sir)
ur (like in turn)
These are all digraphs (2 letters working together to make one sound).
Can you find these sounds in any books that you have in the house? Try to write a list of 10 words that you find that contain these sounds.
The following: https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/PicnicOnPluto.html
is a great game where the children have to feed 2 aliens words, if they are real words they get fed to Bob, rubbish words get fed to Obb. Try the Phase 3 game and click either +ur or +er or you can go to the phase 5 game and click ‘ir’.
As an extra challenge you could try clicking ‘revise all phase 3’ in the phase 3 section of the game.
Hangman Friday
The children have loved learning how to play the game Hangman in order to help them to learn how to spell our tricky words (tricky words do not listen to our sounds so have to be spelled using the letter names).
Our new tricky word this week is: were.
Try writing a list of our tricky words and then selecting from these to play hangman together.
Tricky words so far: I, no, go, to, do, you, was, the, he, she, we, me, be, said, they, are
Magic Maths
For the week beginning Monday 23rd March 2020 we should have been looking at counting in 2s.
This NumberJack’s video should start to develop your skills with this counting sequence:
After watching this you could group your toys in pairs and try to count how many you have by saying 1 silently in your head, 2 out loud, 3 silently in your head, 4 out loud…
Try using this website:
to splat the numbers that you say in the counting in 2s sequence.
Can you make it to 100?
What else can you count in 2s?
For the week beginning Monday 23rd March 2020 we should have been learning how to compete in the egg and spoon race.
Find a large spoon (dessertspoon size) and a screwed up piece of paper that you have squashed and squeezed to be an egg shape.
Balance it on the spoon and see how far you can get around your house/garden without dropping the egg. Challenge yourself to go further and further.
Can you get a bit quicker?
Can you race your brothers or sisters?
No cheating!
Science and Creative Arts
Our caterpillars have built their cocoons around themselves and in a couple of weeks, they will be hatching out as butterflies. They are called a Painted Lady butterfly.
Can you find pictures of this butterfly and try to draw it? Remember to choose the correct colours.
What if they were not going to be that type of butterfly? Can you create your own butterfly?
In our circle times, we have been learning how to play games with rules. This is a great opportunity to break out the board games and play together as a family.
Welcome to The Hedgehog Class of 2019!
An exciting year lies ahead of you.
I am the class teacher for The Hedgehogs, Mrs Taylor, and I am brilliantly supported by my two fantastic assistants Mrs Young and Miss Sampson. We have worked together, in Reception, for over 10 years - following our philosophy of trying to make learning as fun and creative as we possibly can.
Our day for getting changed for our PE session is Fridays so please make sure that the children do not wear earrings on this day.
Leaf Hedgehogs
12th September
After a lovely leaf hunt around the school grounds, the children used glue to attach their leaves to a hedgehog outline inorder to create some lovely artworks. They loved comparing and sharing their leaves and selecting a button to add an eye. Well done little Hedgehogs.
13th September
So that we can all get to know each other we have been exploring our faces and creating pictures of them. The children have loved using the iPads to create these vibrant pictures and enjoyed their time with an adult who helped them to create a painting of their face using the correct colours.
A Visit From A Real Hedgehog!
18th September
Today a real hedgehog came in to visit the children. The children listened closely to the hedgehog's owner about why he is a different colour to our garden hedgehogs, what he eats and how to care for him. Gilbert wandered around the classroom meeting all of the children and sat beautifully whilst the children asked lots of questions about him.
Tasting Apples
24th September
As part of our 'apple' topic the children have been tasting different varieties of apples and voting to show if they liked them or not. We had lots of discussions about respecting other people's opinions and how eating apples is a healthy choice. We also used our developing mathematical language to compare the number of votes in each column - saying where there was 'more' and 'less'.
Spice Painting
26th September
The Reception children have loved exploring our spice flavoured paint this week. They had nutmeg, ginger, cumin, clove and cinnamon to explore. They spoke about their favourite smell, what it reminded them of and then used the paint to create an apple picture.
Magical Potions!
27th September
All week the children have been really excited to have a potion lab in the classroom. They have been trying to make magic potions in their choosing time previously so we created this lab to follow their interests.
Dennis our Maths dragon has been setting challenges in the potion lab. Everyday the children have come to school in the rain. Dennis has introduced them to a new magic number and asked them to make a 'rain away potion' where the ingredients total that number. They have loved doing this - they decided how long the potions needed to bubble in the cauldron and also how to use it. Everyday, after the potion had been deployed the rain has stopped - we are really magical hedgehogs!
Tractor Visit
1st October 2019
The Hedgehogs were very lucky today because Farmer Millar brought his tractor in to show the children. This was to help us to gain more understanding about where our food comes from. The children explored all around the tractor and even got to climb inside! Many thanks to Whilloughby Foods and Farmer Millar for this wonderful experience.
11th October 2019
The children spent a whole week wondering what scarecrows might get up to after the harvest. They started the week by making their very own sock scarecrow - they loved stuffing their socks with straw and spending a whole afternoon decorating them to turn them into scarecrows. Every one was unique! Well done Hedgehogs.
Jobs For Our Scarecrows
11th October 2019
The children spent an afternoon trying to find a suitable job for their scarecrows on the farm. On one of our nature walks we discovered some posters about the animals on the farm. On the reverse was some information about what the animals eat and sleep on. The children had a really spirited discussion about which animals their scarecrows would be safe to care for - it turns out that the ducks are the best option because they don't eat or sleep on straw. Good job Hedgehogs.
18th October 2019
The children have loved learning about pumpkins this week. They have been learning about 2D shapes in Maths and used their developing skills to design their own Jack 'o' Lantern.