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Wyberton Primary Academy

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Wyberton Primary Academy

Term 3- Where in the world do these people live?

This term we are learning about the geography of our world and the different places that people live in. Please look at the enquiry mat for the key vocabulary we will be using and the key information that you could discuss with your child.


We have been learning about shapes and the children enjoyed making them out of sticks to discover how many sides they have. 

We have also been practising writing number sentences and solving addition and subtraction within 20.


We have been thoroughly enjoying role play in English before writing and this has been based on the book 'One Day on our Blue Planet: Rainforest' and 'Lost and Found'. We have then been writing simple sentences to retell narratives and introducing the conjunction 'and' to extend our sentences.


We have been learning about Winter and how our environment has been changing in this time. We have been looking for signs on our explorations of the school grounds.

Design Technology

This term we have been designing, creating and evaluating our own fruit smoothies. We explored different fruits with our senses- smelling, looking and tasting them. We also tried existing smoothies to see what we thought of them. Based on this knowledge, we created our own recipe for our smoothie.

Design Technology Parent Event

Our parents joined us when we created our smoothies as part of our design technology learning. The children practised chopping fruits with a knife safely and then we added fruit juice and blended them all together.
