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Wyberton Primary Academy

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Wyberton Primary Academy

New Starters September 2024

Reception New Starters - September 2024


Welcome to our school! We are incredibly excited to be welcoming our next Reception class to school. We know that this can be a daunting time for the children (and parents!), but our staff will help to reassure you. We have a truly wonderful school where we are certain all children will flourish. 


We are soon sending out welcome packs to our new children - please keep an eye out for these. In this, you will find some key information about our New Starters Evening. This is scheduled for Wednesday 19th June from 4:30pm - please check your pack to see the exact time for your session. We can't wait to meet you then. 


In addition to the new starters evening, our EYFS team will be carrying out transition meetings with the nurseries - for children at Little Oaks Nursery presently and other feeder nurseries where our new Reception cohort will be joining us from. This will provide an opportunity for the children to meet the EYFS staff and get to know them. 


For a brief introduction to our school and some of our wonderful learning, please click here.


The initial closing date for Reception 2024 applications has now passed but late applications and changes can still be made on the Parent Portal https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/school-admissions/apply-school-place/2 until around 30th January.

After this date, only telephone applications can be made for a Reception Class place in September 2024 on 01522 782030.

Primary School Admissions letter from Lincolnshire County Council

School Transport

If your child is starting primary school or transferring to secondary school in September 2023 they may be eligible for school transport.  If you think your child is eligible please apply for transport as soon as you have your offer of a school place (1 March for secondary school or 17 April for primary).  Applications can be made online at the website below or a telephone application can be made by contacting the Customer Service Centre on 01522 782020.


For more information about the home to school transport policy and online applications please go to www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/school-college-transport.   Queries can be emailed to schooltransportapplications@lincolnshire.gov.uk



for parents of children starting school in September 2024


Is your child turning 4

between September 2023 and August 2024?


At Wyberton we are committed to fostering a safe, nurturing and caring community for our children and families throughout their journey with us.

Our enquiry-based curriculum provides opportunities and experiences that enable all children to grow and flourish. 

Our children are supported to grow their skills, talents and aspirations in order to reach their full potential. We develop life-long learners and

together we prepare for a successful future.


Appointments for the following sessions must be pre-booked

as soon as possible by calling:

01205 364797

or call at the school office


Monday 6th November 1:30 – 2:30


Wednesday 15th November 9:15 – 10:15


Tuesday 28th November 1:30 – 2:30


Additional date if required

Friday 8th December 9:15 - 10:15


when you visit you will be given a tour of the school by a member our Senior Leadership team and our School Council.
