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Wyberton Primary Academy

WC 11.1.21

Welcome to week 2 Kingfishers and I can't wait to see how you work this week. You impressed me so much last week with your interactions, your effort and your photos and videos of your hard work. Keep sending me your work this week and I will be regularly updating our class page so you can see what everyone is getting up to. 

The time table below is the live lessons I will be doing with the key worker children throughout the week. It is suggested you follow this as well and if you need any help with a particular task, get in touch and I can help you live in the lesson. If you are a part time key worker child, following this timetable at home will make sure you are prepared for when you are in class with me. 

Don't forget to join me for story time live online and make a booking to update me with your progress with your work. I am looking forward to seeing you all again.

  Morning Lessons    


I will be available at this time on email so please send me pictures of your morning work.

  Afternoon Lessons 2:00-3:00
Monday Maths 1 SPAG 1 English 1 Phonics 1   Humanities I will be available at this time.
Tuesday Maths 2 Reading 1 English 2 Phonics 2   Art You can make a booking with me between these times.
Wednesday Maths 3 SPAG 2 English 3 Story time live online   PE I will also be on email and making phone calls at this time.
Thursday Maths 4 Reading 2 English 4 Phonics 3   Science If you have any work from the day, this would be a great time to send it to me.
Friday Maths 5 Spelling Test English 5 Celebration Assembly   PSHE  


Don't forget the same rewards are still up for grabs. Team points can be given via email when you send me pictures of your work and these all add up to our Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. Which one are you working towards?

Speller of the week and mathematician of the week will be awarded in Celebration Assembly so get busy on Edshed- spelling and maths.

A reading champion will also be picked so keep me updated with when you are reading for pleasure and if you win, you can select a book from the Reading Treasure Chest on your return.

We are also picking a star of the week from our key worker group and our remote learners group- last week Zack was our star shining bright at home. Could it be you this week? Watch the video of the assembly on Friday to see who is chosen. 

Our remote winners this week!


There is a daily warm up for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please copy the questions and your answers into your exercise book. 


This week we are going to be learning all about time. By learning about fractions last week, this will help us with time this week. We have already learnt about o’clock, half past and quarter past/to so we will recap on this and then move on to telling the time in 5 minute intervals.

Maths 1

Today we are going to make a clock that you can use to help you all week. Use a paper plate or a piece of cardboard from a cereal box and cut out a large circle. Then cut out two thin strips to use for the clock hands- one needs to be longer than the other. Attach them using blue tac, a short pin, a bent paper clip- get creative with what you have in your house. Watch my video in the resource centre (see link below) to find out all about the details you need to draw on your homemade clock and refer to page 54 in the Targeted Study Maths book to see all the details as well.

Once you have made your clock, create some o’clock times, half past times and quarter past times to show me. The video I made will show you some examples of these. You could take a picture of your clock to show me or make a video of yourself showing me the different times you can make.

Maths 2

Todays learning builds on from yesterdays. Watch the Maths 1 video again to remind you of o’clock, half past and quarter past/to times. Then have a look at the clock faces on Maths 2 worksheet. Write the times the clock faces are showing in your exercise books.

Maths 3

Watch Maths 3 video where I show you how to tell the time in 5 minute intervals. Then have a look at the clock faces on Maths 3 worksheet. Write the times the clock faces are showing in your exercise books.

Maths 4

Please complete page 55 in the Targeted Study Maths book. This is building on from yesterdays lesson. Watch the video for Maths 3 to remind you of how to tell the time in 5 minute intervals.

Maths 5

Please complete arithmetic test 2, which is in paper form in your packs. On Friday, I will go through the strategies and answers with the key worker children in class and record it. Once you have finished, watch the video, check your working out and mark your answers. Let me know your scores.

Tick tock...

Telling the time at home

Still image for this video

Key workers focusing on time as well

Moving on to 5 minute intervals

Still image for this video


This week we are going to be continuing with our non-chronological report on Shackleton’s Journey. Last week you wrote your introduction to the report, this week we will be doing two other sections of the report. These will have subheadings. The first will be ‘Shackleton’s Dogs’ and the second will be ‘Pack Ice’.

English 1

Read through the text ‘Shackleton’s Dogs’ in the link below to find out all about the dogs he had on board. Your task is to draw your own illustration of a few of his dogs either in your exercise book or on a larger piece of paper. You can use the information sheet’s pictures to help you if you would like. Then label your picture with some key facts you have found out from the text. For example, 69 dogs were chosen out of 99 to join Shackleton’s expedition.

English 2

Read through the text ‘Shackleton’s Dogs’ in the link below and familiarise yourself with your notes and pictures from yesterdays English. Today I would like you to write a paragraph about Shackleton’s Dogs using your notes to help you. It should start with the subheading Shackleton’s Dogs and be around 6 sentences long. Make sure it is full of facts to interest the reader.

Remember when we are writing longer pieces of writing, it makes it easier to say one sentence out loud before writing it down and then working on the next. Don’t forget to include your capital letters and full stops.

****I have added a new video that explain how to get started on this task and gives you an example. I hope this helps*** (see link below to the video resource centre)

English 3

Read through the text ‘Pack Ice’ in the link below to find out all about the first challenge Shackleton faced. Your task is to try and copy this problem. Can you use a small toy or make a mini ship and freeze it with some water in the freezer? What does it look like when it is frozen? Why do you think Shackleton had such trouble moving his ship through the pack ice? Take a picture of what you have created and let me know why you think this problem would have been so challenging for Shackleton.

English 4

Read through the text ‘Pack Ice’ in the link below and think about your icy creation from yesterday. Today I would like you to write a paragraph about the pack ice using your thoughts from yesterday to help you. It should start with the subheading Pack Ice and be around 6 sentences long. Make sure it is full of facts to interest the reader.

Remember when we are writing longer pieces of writing, it makes it easier to say one sentence out loud before writing it down and then working on the next. Don’t forget to include your capital letters and full stops.

English 5

This is our Big Write of the week and this is where you show me all the amazing things you can put into your own creative piece of writing.  In class we have looked at the picture book ‘Journey’ and talked about what the pictures could be telling us. I have included the pictures from the beginning of the story and I would like you to write that into the beginning of a story in words. This is where you can be creative with your vocabulary and include expanded noun phrases and verb phrases. You could include different sentences e.g. simple or complex with conjunctions, questions or exclamations. I have included a word mat of conjunctions that might help you when developing your sentences. See link below.

As discussed with writing before, it can be quite tricky to think of the whole thing. Make it easier by breaking it down into one sentence at a time and say it out loud. It will be easier to write if you have heard it first. It might also make it easier if you just spend 5-10 minutes talking to some about the pictures- what do you see? Who is the main character? What is happening? Why do you think that is happening?

I love reading Big Write pieces of writing so please make sure you send me a photo of your work.

In class researching all about Shackleton's dogs

Researching from home and developing our reports

Shackleton wasn't the only one with a big St.Bernard!

Creating our own pack ice in the Weddell Sea

Fascinated the thick pack ice would have been nearly as tall as him

Predicting what would happen in cold conditions

Still image for this video

Children in school creating their own pack ice

Children in school writing about the pack ice

Results of the ice are in

Still image for this video


Watch the SPAG 1 video in the video resource centre (see link below) where I explain about subordinating conjunctions. Then complete the task on the SPAG 1 sheet below. 

SPAG 2 is to complete page 11 in the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling CGP book, which is based on subordinating conjunctions as well.

SPAG at home

Key workers choosing the correct conjunction


This week we are focusing on another part of 'Shackleton's Journey' called 'Into the Weddell Sea'. There is a paper copy of this text in your packs and like last week I would like you to read it daily. This will help to build up fluency and deepen your understanding. It would be good if this could be read with an adult and discuss some of the vocabulary in it. 

Reading 1 and reading 2 both link to this text. For Reading 1 you will also need the Glossary sheet. You can find them all below.

Developing our vocabulary

Weddell Sea explanations

Reading for Pleasure

We are still having a reading champion each week and if you would like to be in with a chance to choose a book to take home to keep, then you can still let me know each day what you have been reading. Read 3 times throughout the week and you will get a raffle ticket with your name on. Read 4 times and you get two raffle tickets, increasing your odds of winning. 

Please keep me updated with what books your enjoying, what your favourite parts are and don't forget to join me for story time at 11:30am on Wednesday where I will be reading to all my Kingfishers in school and at home via live video link. Invite links will be going out to email addresses on Monday afternoon- please let me know your email address if you haven't already given me or been in touch yet.

Class Story Time enjoyed at home and in school

Phonics and Spelling

Phonics this week has 3 tasks for you to do. They are all on the same sheet below but clearly labelled- task 1, task 2 and task 3. They focus on the 'ee' sound and in particularly spelling the 'ee' sound using alternative spellings. 

The spelling sheet is also below so you can practise throughout the week- this can be done in your exercise book. The spelling test will be on Friday. 

Phonics and spelling at home