Our Blue Planet
What is a primary and secondary colour?
Today year 1 having been learning the names of the primary and secondary colours and how to make the secondary colours from the three primary colours. We love Art in Year 1 and the children love having the opportunities to get their sketch books out and explore.
Round and round
Our charanger unit this term is round and round. The children are loving listening to different pieces of music, finding the pulse and discussing what they like and dislike about a piece. Now that we have learnt all the words we will be looking at creating our own actions and adding instruments.
Mapping in Year 1
More fantastic map work by Year 1. Looking at the four countries that make up the Uk and the surrounding seas. Year 1 are loving using the atlases in lessons and in their free reading time.
Food from around the world
Thank you for everyone who participated in our parent event this afternoon the children really enjoyed themselves trying lots of different foods from around the world.
Some fantastic work based on our Meetkat mail book. We have sequence, retold, wrote diary entries, letters and inferred characters feelings. I think the children nearly know this story inside and out.
Our book that we will be looking at this term in English and Guided Reading is Meerkat mail. All about a little meerkat called Sunny who is searching for the perfect home. The children are really enjoying this story and love reading it themselves during their reading for pleasure time.
Very impressed with Year 1 in their computing lessons this term. We have been learning the correct names for the different parts of a laptop, learning how to log on and off correctly as well as navigate around simple applications such as word and paint.
Where in the world would you like to live? - this is the question that Year 1 are hoping to answer by the end of term 3 and 4.
Year 1 have made a fantastic start to their learning this term. We have already identified the seven continents of the world and worked out which continents are hot and cold by looking at where they are compared to the equator. They are loving reading and exploring stories about each continent, learning about famous sights and the types of food they might eat. The children are also using their reading for pleasure time to explore maps and find books to place with our topic board.