Spring Term 1
This Term's Enquiry
Drawing Blackbirds
This week we have started our daily toothbrushing and the children have loved it! They wiggle and brush along with Hey Duggee! and have been brilliant at catching the bubbles they make, washing their brushes and putting them back into the toothbrush holders in the correct spot. What toothbrushing champions!
Brilliant Repeating Patterns!
We are learning all about creating repeating patterns this term. After only a little help, the children quickly took to creating their own repeating patterns using coloured blocks.
Amazing Independent Robin Paintings
Feeding the birds with patterns!
The children learned how to safely use a needle and thread this week to make some ABAB patterned hanging feeders for our garden birds. We have been monitoring them all week and the birds are already eating them!
Amazing Independent Blue Tit Paintings
Dippy Duck
We have used feathers that we found whilst exploring to help us to remember which way around we write the letter d. This was a great lesson plan from our Letterland scheme and the children really enjoyed it and have been using this as a recall route for this letter formation.
Mathematical Comparisons
The children have loved exploring the RSPB's website to find out facts about birds. Each week we have created ribbons that are the same length as the bird and compared them. The children have then ordered them from longest to shortest. We also weighed out bags of pasta to be the same weight as our birds - the children all agreed that wood pigeons are the heaviest at 550g!
A wood pigeon in the rain!
One of the children spent his choosing time creating this amazing painting of a wood pigeon who was out in the rain. "He likes being in the rain because he can clean his feathers like being in the shower!" How creative!