Week commencing 22nd February
Hello Honey Bees,
Welcome to Term 4! I hope you all had a lovely half term week and even in Lockdown, were able to make some special memories!
It may be the start of a new term, but I would still value you keeping in touch – through emails, making a Bookings appointment or a telephone call.
Here is a suggested timetable for the week to help you structure your time. This is what the Key Worker children in the Year 5 bubble will be doing, so what is happening in school is the same as what is being delivered to you at home. Clicking on the hyperlink in the timetable will take you to the video you need to watch for that lesson.
Morning lessons |
11:30-12:00 |
Afternoon lessons |
2:00-3:00 |
Monday |
Reading for pleasure |
Teacher Conferencing During this time, I am available to respond to emails, so please send me images of what you have been doing in your morning session. |
Spelling activity 1 |
P.S.H.E. |
Teacher Conferencing During this time, I am available for Online Bookings, responding to your emails and making phone calls. |
Tuesday |
Spelling activity 2 |
Wednesday |
Arithmetic |
Big Write |
Virtual Storytime on Teams with Mrs Hodgson |
Spelling games |
Science |
Thursday |
Reading for pleasure |
Spelling games |
P.E. |
Friday |
Reading comprehension 2 |
Spelling test |
Creative learning |
If there is anything that I can help with, or you’re struggling with, please do get in touch as I will be able to organise a virtual meeting or telephone call to help you. Please keep in touch and remember to celebrate your successes with me also. I wonder who will be my star of the week this week in celebration assembly on Friday? Make sure you watch in the Video Resource Centre.
Below you will find your Maths lessons and which arithmetic you should complete this week. Please watch the videos in the Resource Centre for your input. This week we are learning how to measure and calculate perimeter. You will find the answers below for you to check your progress when you have finished your lesson.
Lesson 3 – Warm-up: Maths shed with a focus on Times Tables
Main lesson: (video input) CGP Targeted Question Book pages 48 and 49
Arithmetic – CGP Mental Workout book p12
Once you have finished your arithmetic please mark it using the answers in the back of the book. If there is a question you would like me to help you with, please get in touch.
Below you will find your four English lessons for the week, each document includes a lesson warm up which you will need your CGP books for, the learning objective and instructions.
The Ancient Romans enjoyed the theatre and we will be preparing our own performance for the Easter assembly; therefore, we are going to explore playscripts. We will begin by researching a famous play writer – William Shakespeare and exploring features of playscripts, before writing our own play based on Julius Caesar.
Big Write
This week, our Big Write is giving you the opportunity to show persuasive writing features you have remembered from last term. You have a very important question to answer – Should children be paid to go to school?! Will you convince me or Mrs Paul! I can’t wait to read your letters!
Reading comprehension 1 – Please watch the video in the Resource Centre and then complete CGP Comprehension book: page 10 and 11
Reading comprehension 2 – CGP Comprehension book: page 24 and 25
This week we are continuing our theme of ‘I’ before ‘e’ except after c by continuing to explore this spelling pattern and the many exceptions to the rule!
Activity 1 – in PDF document below
Activity 2 - in PDF document below
Spelling games - Please log onto your Spelling Shed account to practice this week’s spellings.
Spelling test - please ask a family member to test you on this week’s spellings – they can find them within the PowerPoint - let me know your score!
This week in PSHE, we are starting a new unit about Keeping Safe. Use the PowerPoint to explore the ideas linked to taking responsibility for safety and then open the document for this week’s activity.
We are going to begin our enquiry this term: How far did the Romans change the lives of people living in Britain after the conquest? Please watch the video in the Resource Centre (PowerPoint included if you do not have access to this) as we begin by explore reasons why the Romans invaded other countries. This will share some information with you and also your activity and success criteria for this lesson – you may want to open the PowerPoint to support you with the arguments and success criteria to help write your letter to Claudius.
In this Science lesson, we will learn about the digestive system. Please read the information in the PowerPoint and then open the activity document. Your creative learning lesson this week is also linked to this Science lesson so you may want to have a look at this lesson after completing this activity so you can start to think about your creative piece!
This week, we are continuing with the Key Shapes challenges with a focus on jumps and leaps. I would love to add some photos to the gallery below of your work or any other physical activities you are doing.
Creative learning
This week, your creative learning lesson will assess your understanding of your Science lesson. Open the document to find out more!
Please take a look at the what we have all been getting up to this week!