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Wyberton Primary Academy

Now or in the past—is a crime ever validated and a punishment ever unjust?

It may be the first day back, but the Honey Bees demonstrated they are full of curiosity as they posed questions relating to our enquiry question this term. With these as our starting points, we are all very excited to explore a range of sources in order to form our enquiry response!
School may be ‘closed’ but that hasn’t stopped the Honey Bee class exploring the justice system of the Anglo-Saxon times! We’ve already had discussions about how crime by combat was unjust! 
We have been exploring Tudor sources to predict forms of punishment. Initially we made predictions based on what we could see before we learnt about the actual use and crime that meant this form of punishment was issued!
The Honey Bees have been enjoying studying the classical poem “The Highwayman” by Alfred Noyes. In addition to interpreting the poem, we have explored language, features and learnt to recite two verses. Please keep checking back to see how the children explore writing their own alternative endings!


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Have a look at our analysis of the main characters! We have considered their personality, their main actions and their motives for these actions. 
We have been working very hard on writing alternative endings of The Highwayman poem including following the original rhyming pattern. We hope you enjoy reading our alternative endings!
I'm super proud of the Honey Bees - at home and in the key worker group - for their progress in Maths. We have been using the formal method to multiply by one digits and two!

After being super stars with multiplication, we are now progressing onto division. 

It is great to see children reading and spelling while at home too! Well done to one young man for a great score!
And also to this family for sharing their colourful and awe inspiring Science experiment!
In PSHE this term, we are exploring different forms of media literacy and digital resilience. We have explored how sources can be factual, opinion and biased. We have analysed some source to make our own decisions about this and created success criteria by which to judge how well a source can be trusted. 
Within our PSHE work of digital literacy, we explored how the media sometimes promotes stereotypes! We felt this was wrong and so some of the children in the key worker group have created this advert to challenge stereotypes! 


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In Science, we are continuing our work from last term and exploring changes that take place in humans through life. Here are some images of our work showing what we have learnt about the human timeline. 
Have a look at some of our amazing Big Write work! The Honey Bees have been trying to build up attention and detail in their writing, rather than rushing to main events.
Last term, we made honeycomb while we were exploring the changes of materials. It has been great to see one the Honey Bees apply this at home and make some delicious honeycomb while being a stay at home superhero! 
My taste buds have once again been watering! Great to see images of children developing their independence by preparing and cooking their own meals!