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Wyberton Primary Academy

Week commencing 25th January

Hello Honey Bees,

It has been lovely to hear from you last week – I’m enjoying seeing you at story time or in a Bookings. Thank you for all your hard work and for continuing to be stay at home superheroes.I hope you will be able to join me for story time this week and make an online booking with me! This is a great way for you to show me all your amazing work and for me to give you some feedback about your work.

Here is a suggested timetable for the week to help you structure your time. This is what the Key Worker children in the Year 5 bubble will be doing, so what is happening in school is the same as what is being delivered to you at home. All videos for this week can be found on the Video Resource Centre: https://wyberton-primary-academy.primarysite.media/playlist/year-5 



Morning lessons


Afternoon lessons



Maths lesson 1

English lesson 1

Reading for pleasure

Teacher Conferencing

During this time, I am available to respond to emails, so please send me images of what you have been doing in your morning session.

Spelling activity 1


Teacher Conferencing

During this time, I am available for Online Bookings, responding to your emails and making phone calls.


Maths lesson 2

English lesson 2

Reading Comprehension

Spelling activity 2

Topic learning



Big Write

Virtual Storytime on Teams with Mrs Hodgson

Spelling games



Maths lesson 3

English lesson 3

Reading for pleasure

Spelling games



Maths lesson 4

English lesson 4

Reading Comprehension

Spelling test

Creative topic learning

If there is anything that I can help with, or you’re struggling with, please do get in touch as I will be able to organise a virtual meeting or telephone call to help you. Please just get in touch and remember to celebrate your successes with me also. I wonder who will be my star of the week this week in celebration assembly on Friday? Make sure you watch in the Video Resource Centre.



Below you will find your Maths lessons and which arithmetic you should complete this week. Input for lessons 1, 2 and 3 can be found in the Video Resource Centre. There is a separate video for Maths lesson 4.

Lesson 2 – Warm up – CGP 10 Minute Weekly Workout pages 16 and 17

                   Main lesson - CGP Targeted Question Book page 25


Lesson 3 – Warm up – CGP 10 Minute Weekly Workout pages 18 and 19

                   Main lesson - CGP Targeted Question Book page 26


Lesson 4 – Warm up - Maths shed with a focus on times tables.

                   Main lesson - CGP Targeted Question Book page 16 and 17. In addition to the video in the resource centre, there are two additional scaffolds to help you with this lesson below.

Arithmetic – CGP Mental Workout book p10


Below you will find your four English lessons for the week, each document includes a lesson warm up which you will need your CGP books for, the learning objective and instructions.

During this week’s lessons, we will be researching the legend of Robin Hood. We will then be preparing a speech for his court case to explain if you feel he was a hero or a villain! Please see the Video Resource Centre for my teaching video for the week.

Big Write

This week, you will be finishing your story of ‘The Fox and The Mouse’, so may watch the video to the end!  

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZyjJtBIlow&safe=active

This document has your learning objective, instructions and scaffolds to help you. This week, you will be focusing on how to use short, simple sentences to build tension and suspense. Remember to also apply everything you have been learning about varied sentence openers and use of description to create characters.


Our reading challenging is continuing. You can still win tokens for reading for pleasure, completing a comprehension activity (below) or joining me for story time. Just let me know what you have done and you will be entered into the competition every Friday afternoon.

We are exploring a new poem this week – have a look at the video in the Resource Centre to hear Mrs Hodgson read it and discuss the questions with you.


This week we learning continuing to spell words with silent letters.

Activity 1 – on PowerPoint

Activity 2 - on PowerPoint

Spelling games - Please log onto your Spelling Shed account to practice this week’s spellings. 

Spelling test - please ask a family member to test you on this week’s spellings – they can find them within the PowerPoint - let me know your score!


In PSHE this lesson, we are going to be exploring stereotypes. There is a video in the Resource Centre, however this PowerPoint has the links and activity if you are unable to access the video. I hope you will be able to send me your advert!


In History this week, you are going to explore ‘The Bloody Code’ from the 18th Century. Please use the PowerPoint to learn about this era and your activity and which sheet you need from you pack is explained on the slides.


This lesson, we will focus on changes in old age. Read the PowerPoint which includes some warm-up activities and instructions for your main task. To help you with your main task, you will need to also read the document below.


Have a look at our new challenge – Key Shapes! Spend some time exploring and trying the activities. It would be great to put some photos in the gallery.

Creative learning: Music

We are going to continue our music lessons this term with the support of National Oak Academy. Here you will find this week's lesson which includes a video and activity:  https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-understand-the-rcole-of-percussion-in-programmatic-music-c8r3ac



Gallery for this week

Have a look at our gallery of photos and work sent this week!

In addition to our photo gallery, it is a pleasure to share an advert (linked to our PSHE work this week) that challenges stereotypes! 


Still image for this video


Still image for this video