Term One - It’s Alive! Just because we can, does it mean we should?
Our first enquiry of the year is ‘It’s Alive: Just because we can, does it mean we should?’ We will be using the child-friendly version of Mary Shelley’s classic ‘Frankenstein’ to drive all of our learning and to help respond to the enquiry question. The children will be focusing their English, R.E, Science, Topic, Computing, D.T and Music learning all on this theme. Keep an eye out for our gruesome models in D.T… they’ll be electrifying!
Unfortunately, the downpour of rain stopped our Basketball lesson from taking place this week, however, we took our PE lesson into the hall and Miss Lineker challenged the children to show her how they could move safely using a range of equipment. One Deer was delighted to use the climbing frame, "I have never used this before! I have to use lots of strength in my arms to pull myself up." Well done Deer Class for showing your skills and working safely together.
In French, we have been learning the names of different colours! The Deer Class were great at matching the English and French words together and even enjoyed colouring by numbers, applying their understanding of the French vocabulary. Well done Deer Class!
Our Maths learning has seen us exploring the value of numbers up to 10,000,000, using this to partition, order and compare a range of challenging numbers. The Deer class have excelled in this - what superstars they are! After using concrete apparatus in earlier lessons this term, they applied their learning to solve Testbase problems.
In Reading lessons, we have been exploring the text of ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, using our Reading of ‘Frankenstein’ to help compare themes, settings and characters. We have been developing our prediction skills too, using only the front cover. Well done, Year 6!
Year 6 have been busy studying the great novel of ‘Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelley in English. We have been using it as a stimulus for our enquiry question this term, as well as for practising lots of SPaG skills. We initially focused on sentence structure, exploring co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions.
In our first few days together as the Deer Class, we enjoyed catching up with each other, whilst applying our Art skills to create a Deer picture in the style of Pointillism.