Term 1- What makes me special?
Autumn Learning Walk
We enjoyed an autumnal walk around the school grounds. We noticed the change in the leaves on the trees and the change in weather compared to the summer. We picked up some leaves and pinecones and talked about what they feel like and the sounds they make. We also spotted some birds in the trees and stayed quiet to see if we could hear them tweeting.
Mud Kitchen Soup
We practiced our cutting skills outside in the mud kitchen whilst chopping up vegetables to create a delicious winter soup and flavoured pasta! The children really enjoyed making their own recipes and using cutlery. We talked about our favourite foods too and what we don't like as part of our topic and getting to know each other.
Being Creative!
We had a creative session and made a picture using lots of colourful resources. We used feathers, stickers, colours and coloured paper! We really enjoyed creating our masterpieces and sharing ideas with our friends. We also talked about our favourite colours.
I Like.....
We completed a 'I don't like and I like' activity as a whole group. We took it in turns to come to the middle of the circle and choose a picture card of something that we like and don't like. We identified what was in each picture first before choosing a picture to put under each heading.
Throughout the term we have been allowing our new starters to settle in and get to know the routines, building relationships with staff and peers. We have enjoyed messy play in the tuff trays, exploring the school playgrounds and story telling garden. The children have talked about what makes them special for example their hair and eye colour as well as their own likes and dislikes. We have also got to know the children by learning all about their family members, pets and fun things they enjoy doing at home.