Term 1- Where would you rather live- big city or a small village?
Hello and welcome to the Kingfisher's class page. We are very excited to share the children's learning throughout term 1. Our first parent event will be on the 11th October so keep an eye out for announcements on our Parent Hub page.
Our enquiry question this term is: Where would you rather live - a big city or a small village? Children will be investigating the physical and human geographical features of London and Wyberton.
Below you will find this terms newsletter with an overview of the learning the children will be doing.
For each Enquiry your child will be sent home an Enquiry mat with key vocabulary and concepts related to that terms Enquiry. Please take some time to look at these with your child to help them to embed and support their learning. This terms Enquiry mat is below.
This term in computing we have explored the program Scratch. We have looked at how things are programmed and thought about why the instructions need to be specific and how to program a sprite using scratch.
This term we have been learning all about Christianity and how Christians forgive people if they have done something wrong. We have spoken about the importance of why we forgive people and how we ourselves have experienced forgiveness.
This term we have been making our own fire engines. We have cut dowel for our axels and created elements of a fire engine such as ladders, windows and number plates based on our design. We then tested the durability of our fire engine and whether or not it would carry water.
In maths this term, children are exploring place value, in particular partitioning numbers up to 100. Children were using different methods to do this such as using a part- whole model. They used the base 10 to demonstrate their knowledge of partitioning into 10's and 1's.
In writing, children have been exploring 'Toby and The Great Fire of London'. The children have acted out the different key events. They have been exploring different sentence types such as statements, questions, exclamations and commands and how to use them in their writing.
In PE so far, the Kingfishers have explored passing the ball in football and basketball and showing an understanding why it is so important to pass in both sports. Children have been able to compare how the passing is different in both sports and why this is.