Term 1- Why is it good to be me?
Class Newsletter
Autumn 1 Knowledge Organiser
Week 1
It was so lovely to welcome our new Hedgehogs into the classroom this week.

Week 2
This week we had our first PE session. The children enjoyed moving around the hall.
We read the story Pete the Cat: Rocking in my school shoes. We enjoyed rocking in our new schools shoes and exploring more books.
Week 3
This week we read the story 'What Makes Me a Me?'. We talked about our likes and dislikes and what we are good at. We looked at our faces in a mirror, and talked about our features. From this, we created self-portraits.
We began our phonics teaching, and learnt how to form the letters.
Week 4
This week the children have been learning about their emotions. We read the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and discussed the text. The children identified the colours and the emotions they related to. Children used their knowledge of the colour monster to create their own monsters and colour mixed primary colours to make secondary colours.
Week 5
This week the children have been learning all about their families. They have explored their family dynamics and children understand that each family is unique. The children identified important people to them and created a house of the people in their family.
Week 6
This week the children have been learning about different occupations. We were lucky enough to have various professionals create videos of themselves in their roles discussing who they are and what their role is. This allowed children to view a broad range of occupations. Children looked at books and role-played various occupations. At the end of the week, the children chose what they would like to be when they are older. We explored the Little People, Big Dreams books for inspiration too.
Week 7
This week the children have been learning about Autumn. We went on an Autumnal walk and looked for signs of the changes in the seasons. The children identified fallen leaves, conkers, cold weather were all signs of Autumn. We read ‘Pumpkin Soup’ and the children looked at a variety of pumpkins. The children then had chance to open the pumpkins and explore what was inside.