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Wyberton Primary Academy

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Wyberton Primary Academy

Term 1- Was the Anglo-Saxon Period really a Dark Age?

This term we are learning about the Anglo-Saxons: who they were and why they decided to settle in Britain.  Historians often call this period a "Dark Age", which is a little rude as they mean that technology and learning went backwards at this point.  What we will be considering is whether that is true or not. Please look at the enquiry mat for the key vocabulary we will be using and the key information that you could discuss with your child.


Our term 1 newsletter is also here to give you more detail about what we are learning this term but also key information about parent events, PE days and what the children need through out the term.


We began our History topic by considering why the Anglo-Saxons might have come to Britain.  We looked at where they came from in Europe, what conditions were like in their home country and then compared that to life in Britain.  We then made some Tourist Information style posters to encourage other Anglo-Saxons to come to Britain.


What are the properties of materials.  We looked at a range of everyday materials in science and considered what their properties were.  We looked at some of the more specialised properties, such as conductors and insulators and made some brilliant illustrated dictionaries to define them.




We've begun to learn football skills in PE.  Looking at close control and passing techniques, the children have been revelling in their new skills and playing lots of fun games.  


We investigated the archaeological site of Sutton Hoo.  This magnificent ship burial revealed the grave goods of a very important person.  We thought about what those might have been used for in life and why they were so important to that person in death. 


In art, we have been studying about the artist Edward Bawden who is famous for print making.  We looked at his work earlier in the term and are now designing our own printing block based upon an Anglo-Saxon cross. 

World Poetry Day


To celebrate World Poetry Day, we watched some online tutorials.  We then used these to create our own performance poems about how annoying our siblings can be. 



Afro Caribbean music


This week we were treated to a sensational workshop by Mr Walcott.  He taught us how to dance to traditional rhythms he played on the djembe drum and wee had a fabulous time trying to keep in time.



Print Making

In art this week we have been creating our block prints.  Following our plans and test printing we did in earlier in the term, we made our polystyrene blocks and "inked" them to create vibrant prints.  They look sensational. 


Our learning about materials this week has looked at dissolving.  We considered the words dissolve, soluble and solvent and then investigated how well salt dissolved.  We then compared this to another substance we were given to conclude which was the most soluble.


This week, we looked at how movies use Foley and "Mickey Mousing" to add sound effects.  We watched a short animation and used rhythms to create these sound effects.



Parents' Event- Print making

We had a fabulous afternoon in school with many of our parents.  Thank you to those who were able to make it.  We explained to the parents about our learning this term and how it linked to the famous artist Edward Bawden.  After a short presentation that the children prepared, the parents joined the class and were taught how to print.  The children were incredible, explaining each step of their learning carefully and well.  We had great fun and have some amazing artists in our class.  As one parent commented:


"It was amazing to join our children; to see them having so much fun learning and get the chance to do that with them!"


