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Wyberton Primary Academy

Term 1- Did WW1 or WW2 have the biggest impact on our locality?

Hello and a warm welcome to the Deer Class (Year 6) class page, we are very excited to share the children's learning with you throughout this term. Our first Parent Event is on 20th October 2024 .  Below you will find this term's newsletter with an overview of all of the learning the children will be doing. Children will need to wear their PE kits to school on Wednesday and Thursday and our Forest School day is Friday.


Below you will find, the enquiry mat for this term's enquiry about how WW1 and WW2 affected the local area. On here you will find lots of useful information that you can also use as discussion points with your children. Although there is so much to learn about each of the World Wars, what makes our enquiry special is that we investigate and analyse what it was like for the people of Boston during those times and how the local area was affected.


The children are learning a dance sequence and showing how they can move rhythmically in unison and canon to create a final dance.

PSHE- Me and My Relationships

The children worked collaboratively to create a bridge that would hold the weight of a car.

They had to use identify and use different skills within their teams to be successful.

English-Warhorse Drama

In this lesson, the  children brought part of the book to life by acting it out.

Computing-Make Code

The children used the BBC Microbits to create an interactive toy. They gained an understanding of inputs and outputs of computers and applied this to the designing of their toys.

Head Boy, Head Girl and School Council Speeches


Children across KS2 had the opportunity to apply for a School Council place in their class and Y6 children had the opportunity to do the same in addition to having the opportunity to become Head Boy and Head Girl. Once shortlisted, the children needed to write their speeches and deliver these in front of the whole of KS2. 

The children then voted and the results were announced in the next assembly- a wonderful way to show democracy across our school! 

Term 1-Parent Event

The children shared their beautiful artwork based on the work of Henry Moore's Wartime Shelter Drawings. They then taught their parents how to use the different drawing effects to create their very own drawing.


For the past few weeks, the children have been learning about how we see objects building on their learning from Year 3. They applied their learning to how shadows change and how we can see things out of sight by making and explaining how a periscope works.

Boston Grammar School Maths Quiz- 3rd Place Winners

A team of 4 Year 6 children attended the annual Maths Quiz hosted by Boston Grammar School for local Primary Schools. The children worked their way through 8 rounds of increasing difficulty to eventually finish in 3rd place.
