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Wyberton Primary Academy

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Wyberton Primary Academy

Term 1- What is it like where we live?


We are being Geographers by investigating where we live. In this topic we will explore different places that are near by and far. We will look at reading maps and try to use a map to navigate around our school playground. 


The Owl class are working hard in English this term. At the start of the year we went to the story garden to listen to a story and eat some delicious flapjacks. When we got there, we were furious to find out that Goldilocks had eaten them all. We learnt different adjectives so we could inform the police and describe what Goldilocks looks so they could find her. Soon enough, the Goldilocks apologised and made some new flapjacks too. Thank goodness our adjectives were good enough to help the police with their search. 


This term in Art we are exploring the work of Marc Quinn. We discovered that he was a sculptor. We enjoyed looking at his work and thought it was marvellous that he created a sculpture out of bread. 

We really enjoyed exploring the sculpture garden in our own playground. It was fascinating to see all the different pieces of art made with such different materials. 

We were inspired to sculpt our own flowers out of clay 



In PE we have been working on invasion games. We have been practising the skills needed for Football and Netball. 


Owl class hae enjoyed learning the poem 'Here is the Seed' by John Foster. Listen to us recite it off by heart. 

Here is the seed John Foster

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