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Wyberton Primary Academy

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Wyberton Primary Academy

Term 3- Who lives in the woods?

Week 1

This week we have been getting to know all of the new children that have started with us. We have also talked about our Christmas holidays and what we have been up to. We have used our imagination to guess who lives in the princess castle and shared our ideas. We also worked as a team to solve some counting games on the interactive board. We had a great first week back and have been very busy!

Week 2

This week our story has been 'The Gruffalo' we have really enjoyed learning about the story and enjoying different activities related to the story. We have made stick puppets, masks, colouring pictures, made gruffalo crumble with oats and raisins. We have also had a go at acting out the story in small groups using the puppets we created. We have had a great week!
