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Wyberton Primary Academy

Term 2- Has man ever been to the moon?


This term we are being Historians by exploring the first moon landing and the different events leading up to it. We will learn about sources of different information and why knowing the source of information is important.  

Enquiry Mat

Space training camp- we had a space training camp to help us experience our new enquiry

We are really enjoying finding out about the first moon landing. Ms Paul was blown away when we shared our knowledge of our topic. 

The Gunpowder Plot Song - Guy Fawkes Night for Kids | Bonfire Night |

Help your child remember the 5th of November by listening to this song at home. Learn the story behind Guy Fawkes Night (also known as Bonfire Night)! Meet an array of famous names and faces as our Gunpowder Plot song tells you everything you need to know about this amazing, treacherous tale. Don't forget to enjoy Bonfire Night safely!

Year One enjoyed arriving at school on Monday to find a rocket that had landed with a Baby Bear  in it. 

Whatever Next by Jill Murphy. Read aloud story.

In English we are using to story Whatever Next to engage us in writing lists and narratives

In Maths we have been exploring Addition and Subtraction. We have been using concrete objects and part whole models to solve addition and subtraction equations. 

A rocket has landed!


British  Values


As part of our British Values everyone in Year One has a turn at being a VIP. When it is their turn. they start their day off by receiving compliments from their friends. Throughout the day the VIP is always at the front of the line and they sit on a chair during carpet time. 


This term in Art we are busy retrieving skills to create calendars, cards and Christmas tree decorations. 

We decided to use our knowledge and skills from last term by sculpting clay to make poppies

Business Enterprise 


We have been working hard in Owl class to get our new Business Owl Glow set up. We were over the moon this week as our pitch for our business was approved by Wyberton's Dragon's Den. We look forward to creating and marketing our product so it sells at the Christmas Fayre. 

Our Pitch

Our successful pitch PowerPoint

RE & British Values 

Owl class enjoyed their trip to church today. We have the opportunity to learn about Advent and reflect what this could mean for us. We thought about how we could spread love in the world and what we hope for. It was a lovely morning which we ended by sharing a hot drink and a chocolate treat 
