Term 3- What happened once upon a time?
Term 3 - Class Newsletter
Term 3 Knowledge Organiser
What happened once upon a time?
This term is a very exciting term as we explore traditional tales and fairy tales. During this enquiry, children will be learning about stories and changes of past and present. Children will be conducting experiments using different materials and performing lots of role play.
Week 1
We welcomed the children back to school for a brand new year. The children were introduced to their new enquiry questions: what happened once upon a time? The children shared their excitement for their learning ahead! Which led us to our very first story....
The Gingerbread Man
This week the children have been learning all about the story of The Gingerbread Man. They acted out the story and talked about who were the good characters and who were the bad characters. At end of the week the children discussed ways the gingerbread man could make it safely across the water without using the fox. They collected items from outside and inside the classroom and we tested them. Children made predictions whether the items would sink or float.
Week 2
Jack and the Beanstalk
This week the children have been reading and role-playing Jack and the Beanstalk. They made predictions about what was at the top of the beanstalk and shared discussions about who was the villain in the story. The children have been applying their Phonics knowledge to their writing.